Shoddinesses example sentences

"Shoddinesses" Example Sentences

1. The shoddinesses of the workmanship on his car were evident.
2. She was disappointed in the shoddinesses of the products from that manufacturer.
3. The shoddinesses in his writing were due to his lack of focus.
4. We expected better from that company, but the shoddinesses were apparent in their customer service.
5. The shoddinesses in the design of the building resulted in safety concerns.
6. The shoddinesses of the manufacturing process led to numerous defects in the product.
7. The shoddinesses in the construction of the bridge were a major concern.
8. Despite their promises, there were still shoddinesses in the quality of their work.
9. The shoddinesses in the material used to make the shirts resulted in a lot of ripping and tearing.
10. The shoddinesses in their training and education were revealed during the audit.
11. The shoddinesses of the plumber’s work caused a leak in the basement.
12. She was appalled at the shoddinesses of the restaurant’s hygiene standards.
13. The shoddinesses of the translation made it difficult to understand the text.
14. The shoddinesses of his attitude towards work were evident in his poor performance review.
15. The shoddinesses in the maintenance of the equipment led to frequent breakdowns.
16. The shoddinesses of the documentation made it difficult to follow the process.
17. There were clear shoddinesses in the planning of the event, resulting in chaos.
18. The shoddinesses in the packaging resulted in damage to the fragile items.
19. The shoddinesses in the company’s policies and procedures caused a lot of frustration.
20. The shoddinesses in the analysis of the data led to incorrect conclusions.
21. The shoddinesses of the artist’s skills were evident in the poorly executed painting.
22. The shoddinesses in the company’s security measures caused a major breach.
23. The shoddinesses of the production process led to delays in the delivery of the product.
24. The shoddinesses in the performance of the software resulted in crashes and errors.
25. The shoddinesses of the vendor’s work caused costly repairs to be necessary.
26. The shoddinesses in the installation of the fixtures resulted in a lot of rework.
27. The shoddinesses in the design of the website made it difficult to use.
28. The shoddinesses of the employee’s work habits were evident in the poor quality of their output.
29. Despite their best efforts, there were still shoddinesses in the project execution.
30. The shoddinesses in the organization of the event resulted in a lot of confusion.

Common Phases

1. The shoddinesses of the construction led to numerous safety concerns;
2. I could not ignore the shoddinesses of the product and had to return it immediately;
3. The shoddinesses in their workmanship were causing delays in the project;
4. It was disappointing to see the shoddinesses in the customer service of such a well-known company;
5. The shoddinesses of the school building were becoming more apparent with each passing day;
6. The shoddinesses of the restaurant's food preparation were reflected in the quality of its dishes.

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