Showershower example sentences

Related (15): water, bath, rain, thunderstorm, spray, drizzle, deluge, downpour, plunge, cascade, flood, torrent, mist, spew, pour

"Showershower" Example Sentences

1. I have to take a shower after gym.
2. Did you forget to buy shower gel?
3. There is no hot water in the shower.
4. I love singing in the shower.
5. The shower head needs to be replaced.
6. Can you hand me a towel after my shower?
7. The bathroom smells like a locker room after everyone takes their showers.
8. I found a spider in the shower and now I'm too scared to go back in.
9. Don't forget to clean the shower drain.
10. The shower curtain needs to be washed.
11. I prefer taking a morning shower rather than at night.
12. I don't like when the water pressure in the shower is too strong.
13. I usually take a quick shower before work.
14. I can hear the sound of the shower running from down the hall.
15. I always take a cold shower after a workout to cool down.
16. I need to shave my legs before I take a shower.
17. The shower floor is slippery, be careful.
18. The shampoo dispenser in the shower is empty.
19. The steam from the hot shower helps me relax.
20. I have to remind my kids to turn off the shower when they're done.
21. Can you hand me a rubber duck for my shower?
22. I love the feeling of getting into bed after a warm shower.
23. My favorite part of my morning routine is taking a hot shower.
24. I tend to daydream when I'm in the shower.
25. Did you put a new roll of toilet paper in the bathroom after your shower?
26. I hate when my hair gets caught in the shower drain.
27. I left my phone in the bathroom while I was taking a shower and now it's water damaged.
28. The towels in the bathroom feel damp from someone's shower.
29. I heard a strange noise when I was in the shower earlier.
30. I can't wait to take a nice, long shower after a long day at work.

Common Phases

1. I need to take a shower;
2. Could you please pass me a towel while I'm in the shower?;
3. Don't forget to lock the bathroom door when you're taking a shower;
4. Taking a cold shower after exercising can be really refreshing;
5. I can't wait to jump in the shower and relax after a long day;
6. Do you prefer to take a shower in the morning or at night?;
7. My hair always looks better after I blow-dry it following a shower;
8. It's important to replace your shower curtain regularly to prevent mold growth;
9. Nothing beats a hot shower during the winter months;
10. I always forget to buy shower gel when I'm at the store.

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