Shrewed example sentences

Related (15): clever, astute, cunning, sagacious, wise, calculating, sharp, canny, crafty, discerning, insightful, perspicacious, prudent, quick-witted, resourceful

"Shrewed" Example Sentences

1. I did not expect this shrewd move from you.
2. Her shrewd wit helped her in the business negotiations.
3. The shrewd businessman knew when to make the deal.
4. His shrewd mind worked out the perfect solution to the problem.
5. The shrewd politician won another election.
6. With his shrewd observation skills, he noticed the flaw in the plan.
7. The shrewd investor knew when to buy and when to sell.
8. She made a shrewd decision to invest in property.
9. The shrewd tactics employed by the army led to victory.
10. He was praised for his shrewd analysis of the stock market.
11. The shrewd detective was able to solve the murder case.
12. Her shrewd judgment saved the company from bankruptcy.
13. The shrewd lawyer won the case for his client.
14. His shrewd management skills helped the company grow.
15. The shrewd negotiator was able to get a better deal for his client.
16. Her shrewd observation of the market trends helped her make the right business decisions.
17. The shrewd strategist knew how to outsmart his opponents.
18. The shrewd use of resources helped the company save money.
19. She made a shrewd move by investing in the emerging market.
20. The shrewd analysis of the situation helped him make the right decision.
21. His shrewd decision-making skills helped him climb the corporate ladder.
22. The shrewd assessment of the situation led to a successful outcome.
23. The shrewd calculations made by the accountant saved the company money.
24. Her shrewd political strategy helped her win the election.
25. The shrewd entrepreneur knew how to spot emerging trends.
26. His shrewd investment advice helped his clients achieve financial success.
27. The shrewd assessment of the risk helped him make a safe investment.
28. Her shrewd understanding of consumer behavior helped her design a successful product.
29. The shrewd analysis of the data revealed important insights.
30. His shrewd sense of timing was crucial in the success of the project.

Common Phases

1. She is shrewd; she always knows how to get what she wants.
2. His shrewd tactics helped him win the negotiation; he outsmarted the competition.
3. The shrewd businessman made a fortune; he knew when to take risks and when to play it safe.
4. She has a shrewd eye for detail; she notices things that others often miss.
5. His shrewd assessment of the market led to a successful investment; he knew which stocks were worth buying.
6. The politician's shrewd maneuvering secured his re-election; he knew how to win over his constituents.
7. She is a shrewd judge of character; she can spot a phony from a mile away.
8. His shrewd analysis of the situation saved the company from bankruptcy; he identified the problem and found a solution.

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