Sibs example sentences

Related (8): siblings, brothers, sisters, kin, relatives, brood, clan, tribe.

"Sibs" Example Sentences

1. My sibs and I used to fight over who got to sit in the front seat.
2. Growing up, I had five sibs, all of whom are now scattered around the country.
3. Sarah's sibs all have blonde hair and blue eyes, while she has dark hair and green eyes.
4. Although they were twins, Max and his sib had very different personalities.
5. Whenever my sibs and I get together, we always play board games.
6. Brittany's parents split up when she was young, and she now has two sets of sibs.
7. My youngest sib is still in high school, but already knows exactly what career they want to pursue.
8. Whenever I'm feeling down, my sibs are always there to cheer me up.
9. Though we fought a lot as kids, my sibs and I are very close now.
10. My sibs and I all inherited our father's love of baseball.
11. Jayden is the youngest of four sibs, and is therefore often the target of teasing and pranks.
12. Most of my sibs have children of their own now, which makes family gatherings even more chaotic.
13. While some siblings grow apart as they get older, my sibs and I have grown even closer.
14. My sibs are all excellent cooks, so family dinners are always a treat.
15. Although they share many similarities, my sibs all have unique talents and abilities.
16. When my mom was pregnant with my little sib, we were all excited to become big brothers and sisters.
17. I have a feeling that my sibs and I are going to be stuck cleaning up after the party.
18. Growing up, my sibs and I never had many toys, so we had to be creative with our games.
19. Whenever my sibs and I go on vacation together, we always make sure to take lots of group photos.
20. Though their personalities are quite different, my sibs all share a love of art.
21. When my littlest sib was born, my dad fell head over heels in love with him immediately.
22. I'll never forget the time my sibs and I pulled off the perfect prank on our mom.
23. Though we may be separated by miles, my sibs and I always make time for each other during the holidays.
24. Growing up with so many sibs made it hard to get alone time, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
25. My sibs always tease me for being the tallest in the family, but secretly I love it.
26. I can't believe my baby sib is already starting kindergarten - where did the time go?
27. My sibs all have a great sense of humor, which makes family reunions a lot of fun.
28. Whenever I need advice or support, my sibs are always there to lend a helping hand.
29. When our parents got divorced, my sibs and I became each other's support system.
30. Though we may be different in many ways, my sibs and I all share a deep love for our family.

Common Phases

1. Hanging out with my sibs;
2. Fighting with my sibs;
3. Cooking with my sibs;
4. Laughing with my sibs;
5. Playing games with my sibs;
6. Sharing stories with my sibs;
7. Going on adventures with my sibs;
8. Watching movies with my sibs;
9. Discussing world events with my sibs;
10. Reminiscing about childhood with my sibs.

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