Silted example sentences

Related (5): river, canal, harbor, lake, estuary

"Silted" Example Sentences

1. The river had silted up, creating a dam-like effect.
2. The harbor was silted with sand, making it difficult for ships to navigate.
3. The canal had silted over the years, causing the water to stagnate.
4. The lake had silted at the bottom, making it difficult for fish to survive.
5. The riverbank was silted with debris after the flood.
6. The drain had silted and caused water to overflow.
7. The irrigation system had silted up, limiting the flow of water.
8. The sewage system had silted, causing blockages.
9. The stormwater system had silted, leading to floods during heavy rain.
10. The pipeline had silted, leading to a decrease in water pressure.
11. The well had silted, making it impossible to extract water.
12. The pond had silted, decreasing the water capacity.
13. The sluice gate had silted up, preventing the water from flowing.
14. The dam had silted over time, reducing its effectiveness.
15. The beach had silted up, making it difficult to swim.
16. The port had silted, forcing ships to dock elsewhere.
17. The springs had silted, causing the water to become murky.
18. The oasis had silted, leaving the residents without water.
19. The waterfall had silted, reducing its height and flow.
20. The waterfall had silted, forming a natural pool at its base.
21. The estuary had silted, changing the landscape.
22. The delta had silted, creating new landforms.
23. The river delta had silted, creating new areas for farming.
24. The basin had silted up, creating a new wetland habitat.
25. The canal basin had silted, leading to a decline in trade.
26. The water supply had silted up, leaving the village in a water shortage.
27. The riverbed had silted over the years, making it difficult to navigate.
28. The tributary had silted, reducing the water flow.
29. The irrigation canal had silted, causing crops to dry up.
30. The drainage ditch had silted, leading to stagnant water and mosquito breeding.

Common Phases

1. The river had silted up over time; it was now too shallow for boats to pass through.
2. The pipes were silted with debris from the construction site; the water was not flowing properly.
3. The harbor had silted in from the storm; it needed to be dredged to accommodate larger ships.
4. The pond had silted over the years; it was overgrown with weeds and algae.
5. The irrigation canals had silted with sediment; the farms were not getting enough water.
6. The lake had silted due to erosion from nearby construction; it was now a hazard for swimmers.
7. The sewer system had silted with waste; the city needed to invest in better infrastructure.
8. The storm drain had silted with debris from rainfall; it was causing flooding on the streets.

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