Simians example sentences

Related (18): primates, apes, monkeys, gibbons, lemurs, tarsiers, lorises, bushbabies, marmosets, baboons, chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, capuchins, macaques, langurs, mandrills, drills

"Simians" Example Sentences

1. The zoo's simian exhibit featured a variety of primates.
2. I read a fascinating article about the behavior of simians in the wild.
3. The researchers studied the cognitive abilities of simians in captivity.
4. Some people believe that humans evolved from simians.
5. The park ranger warned us about the presence of simians in the area.
6. We observed a group of simians grooming each other in the trees.
7. The hunters tracked the simians through the jungle.
8. A local legend claimed that a tribe of simians lived deep in the forest.
9. The simians used sticks to dig for insects in the ground.
10. Scientists discovered a new species of simian in the Amazon rainforest.
11. The simians in this area are known to be aggressive towards humans.
12. The zookeepers fed the simians their daily diet of fruit and vegetables.
13. Some cultures consider simians to be sacred animals.
14. The simian's opposable thumbs allowed it to grasp objects more effectively.
15. The simian's fur was a vibrant shade of orange.
16. The simians vocalized to communicate with each other.
17. The simian exhibit was one of the most popular attractions at the zoo.
18. Researchers have found that simians have a high level of social intelligence.
19. Simians have a strong sense of smell that helps them find food.
20. The simians swung from tree to tree with ease.
21. The zoo's veterinary team treated the sick simian with antibiotics.
22. The simian's diet consisted mainly of fruits, insects, and leaves.
23. The simians nestled in the branches of the tall trees to sleep.
24. We saw a whole troop of simians crossing the road in front of us.
25. Simians have been known to use tools to obtain food.
26. The simians looked on curiously as the humans approached.
27. I was surprised to learn that some simians can live up to 50 years.
28. The simian's long tail helped it balance and move through the trees.
29. The simian's expression seemed to convey intelligence and curiosity.
30. The researchers set up cameras to capture the simians' behavior in their natural habitat.

Common Phases

1. The simians in the zoo were swinging from tree to tree; some were grooming each other's fur.
2. After watching "Planet of the Apes," he couldn't stop thinking about intelligent simians taking over the world; it gave him chills.
3. The researchers were amazed at the simians' ability to communicate with sign language; it proved their high intelligence.
4. In the forest, the simians could be heard screeching and howling at each other; it was a surreal experience.
5. She enjoyed reading books about simians and their behavior in the wild; it was fascinating to learn about their social structures.

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