Skedaddlepopularized example sentences

Related (6): skedaddle, flee, bolt, escape, vamoose, popularized

"Skedaddlepopularized" Example Sentences

1. The kids were told to skedaddle before the storm hit.
2. As soon as the teacher turned her back, the students skedaddled out of the classroom.
3. The burglars skedaddled when they heard the police sirens.
4. I need to skedaddle if I want to catch the bus on time.
5. The army was forced to skedaddle when they ran out of ammunition.
6. We had to skedaddle out of the movie theater when the fire alarm went off.
7. The cat skedaddled as soon as it saw the dog approaching.
8. I always skedaddle when I'm running late for work.
9. If we want to make it to the concert on time, we need to skedaddle.
10. The children skedaddled away from the scary clown at the carnival.
11. The hikers had to skedaddle when they realized they were lost in the woods.
12. The robbers skedaddled with the stolen goods before the police arrived.
13. We decided to skedaddle from the party early because it was getting too wild.
14. The horse skedaddled when it heard the gunshot.
15. Let's skedaddle from this boring meeting and grab some lunch.
16. The bear skedaddled when it heard the hunters approaching.
17. I'm going to skedaddle before the traffic gets worse.
18. The robbers skedaddled with the money, leaving the bank tellers in shock.
19. The dog skedaddled when it saw its owner walking towards it with a bath towel.
20. It's time to skedaddle and start our weekend getaway.
21. The children skedaddled away from the bee hive after one of them got stung.
22. The club was shutting down, so we had to skedaddle before they kicked us out.
23. The bird skedaddled when it heard the cat meowing outside.
24. If you want to catch the last train, you better skedaddle out of here.
25. The thieves skedaddled with the jewelry before anyone could catch them.
26. It's time to skedaddle and head back to the hotel before it gets dark.
27. The mouse skedaddled away as soon as the cat started chasing it.
28. We need to skedaddle out of the church before the wedding starts.
29. The children had to skedaddle when they saw the rainclouds approaching.
30. Let's skedaddle from this boring lecture and go get some ice cream.

Common Phases

1. "I better skedaddle before I'm late again";
2. "When I saw the police coming, I knew it was time to skedaddle";
3. "The kids decided to skedaddle when they heard the sound of thunder";
4. "I always skedaddle out of the office on Friday afternoons";
5. "It's time to skedaddle and catch the last train home";
6. "We had to skedaddle out of the way of the angry bull";
7. "Let's skedaddle and find some shade on this hot day";
8. "The hen and her chicks skedaddled when the fox appeared";
9. "I'll need to skedaddle early tomorrow to make it to my dentist's appointment";
10. "The soldier skedaddled when he realized the enemy was advancing towards him".

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