Skirmishers example sentences

Related (1): flankers

"Skirmishers" Example Sentences

1. The skirmishers moved swiftly, darting in and out of cover.
2. They sent the skirmishers ahead to scout the enemy's position.
3. The squad included several experienced skirmishers who had seen action before.
4. The enemy's skirmishers started firing and the battle began in earnest.
5. The skirmishers moved in a staggered formation, keeping a safe distance from each other.
6. The army relied on its skirmishers to gather intelligence about the enemy's movements.
7. The front line of soldiers was made up of skirmishers who were trained to advance in waves.
8. The skirmishers engaged the enemy in a brief battle before withdrawing to safety.
9. The enemy's skirmishers kept the main force under constant fire, preventing them from advancing.
10. The skirmishers were armed with rifles and pistols, and were trained to move quickly and stealthily.
11. The captain sent the skirmishers ahead to clear the way for the rest of the troops.
12. The skirmishers used the cover of trees and rocks to get close to the enemy without being seen.
13. The skirmishers launched a surprise attack on the enemy's flank, causing them to panic and retreat.
14. The enemy's skirmishers were expert marksmen, able to take out targets at long range.
15. The infantry relied on the skirmishers to flush out any hidden enemy positions before advancing.
16. The skirmishers were tasked with disrupting the enemy's supply lines and communication networks.
17. The enemy's skirmishers launched a counter-attack, forcing our troops to retreat to a more defensible position.
18. The skirmishers were equipped with grenades and other explosives, which they used to great effect against the enemy.
19. The captain ordered the skirmishers to fall back and regroup with the main force.
20. The skirmishers found themselves outflanked and exposed, and were forced to retreat under heavy fire.
21. The enemy's skirmishers were a constant thorn in our side, making it difficult to advance.
22. The skirmishers were able to maintain a steady rate of fire, keeping the enemy at bay.
23. The captain praised the bravery of the skirmishers, who had performed admirably in the face of enemy fire.
24. The skirmishers emerged from the cover of the forest and charged toward the enemy's lines.
25. The enemy's skirmishers fell back, allowing our troops to advance unopposed for a short time.
26. The skirmishers employed guerrilla tactics, striking at the enemy when they least expected it.
27. The captain ordered the skirmishers to harass the enemy's rear guard while the main force advanced.
28. The enemy's skirmishers suffered heavy casualties, but their sacrifice allowed their main force to withdraw in safety.
29. The skirmishers were able to keep the enemy pinned down, providing cover for our troops to advance.
30. The captain knew that the skirmishers were essential to the success of the mission, and he made sure to keep them well-supplied and well-trained.

Common Phases

1. The skirmishers advanced cautiously; using the trees and rocks for cover.
2. The enemy skirmishers fired a volley; causing our troops to scramble for cover.
3. Our skirmishers quickly responded; firing back at the advancing enemy.
4. The captain divided our troops into skirmishers and riflemen; assigning them specific targets.
5. As the skirmishers pushed forward, the main force followed close behind; ready for the enemy's counterattack.
6. The sound of the skirmishers' gunfire echoed through the valley; alerting the enemy to our presence.
7. Our skirmishers successfully flanked the enemy's position; causing them to withdraw.
8. The enemy's skirmishers attempted to infiltrate our lines; but were quickly repelled by our vigilant soldiers.
9. With the help of our skirmishers, we were able to gather valuable intel on the enemy's movements and positions.
10. The skirmishers engaged in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse with the enemy; constantly switching positions and launching surprise attacks.

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