Slainte example sentences

Related (12): health, cheers, toast, happiness, wellbeing, prosperity, success, wellness, salut, skol, prost, kampai.

"Slainte" Example Sentences

1. We raised a glass and cheered, saying "Slainte" to celebrate the occasion.
2. The bartender poured us each a shot and exclaimed "Slainte" as we clinked glasses.
3. As they departed, I said "Slainte" and wished them a safe journey home.
4. At dinner, my Irish friend raised his glass and said "Slainte" before taking a sip of his beer.
5. I received a message from my colleague in Dublin that ended with "Slainte" - an Irish well-wish for good health.
6. When I went to Ireland, I was surprised to hear everyone saying "Slainte" before taking a sip of their drink.
7. My Irish grandmother would always say "Slainte" before taking her medicine in the morning.
8. "Slainte" is one of the few words I know in Irish - it means "health."
9. The bartender handed us each a Guinness and said "Slainte" as we took the first sip.
10. I toasted to my friend's success and said "Slainte" to show my support.
11. "Slainte" is a common Irish farewell, wishing the person good health and fortune.
12. As we watched the sunset over the cliffs of Moher, we raised our glasses and shouted "Slainte."
13. In Ireland, it's traditional to say "Slainte" before a meal to give thanks and bless the food.
14. My Irish coworker uses "Slainte" as a friendly greeting every morning.
15. At the pub, I ordered a round of drinks and said "Slainte" to everyone at the table.
16. My Irish grandmother left me a note that ended with "Slainte" and I knew she was thinking of me.
17. We visited many pubs in Dublin and heard "Slainte" countless times over the course of the trip.
18. The wine was excellent and we toasted with "Slainte" to the host's impeccable taste.
19. In Ireland, "Slainte" is more than just a word - it's a symbol of community and friendship.
20. I offered a toast to my grandfather's memory and said "Slainte" in his honor.
21. On St. Patrick's Day, every drink is accompanied by a hearty "Slainte!"
22. As the sun set over the lake, we raised our glasses and said "Slainte" to the beauty around us.
23. My friend from Cork always greets me with "Slainte" and it makes me feel welcome.
24. We clinked our glasses together and said "Slainte" as we began our meal.
25. I received a text from my Irish cousin that ended with "Slainte" and I knew he was thinking of me.
26. When my coworker got a promotion, I toasted his success with "Slainte" and congratulations.
27. In Ireland, it's traditional to say "Slainte" before a musical performance to wish the musicians good luck.
28. "Slainte" is a word that encompasses hope, health, and a sense of community - all important values in Irish culture.
29. I visited a small town in Ireland and was greeted with "Slainte" by every person I met.
30. As we left the pub, I raised my glass and said "Slainte" to the friends who made the night memorable.

Common Phases

Slainte to a long and happy life; Slainte to friends, old and new; Slainte to good times and fond memories; Slainte to health and happiness; Slainte to love and laughter; Slainte to a prosperous future; Slainte to adventure and new experiences; Slainte to sharing good company; Slainte to cherished traditions; Slainte to life and all its blessings.

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