Slaughtering example sentences

Related (19): slaughtering, butchering, killing, hunt, abattoir, bloodbath, carnage, massacre, extermination, annihilation, decimation, dispatching, execution, eradication, holocaust, bloodshed, pogrom, purge, sacrifice.

"Slaughtering" Example Sentences

1. The butchers were slaughtering animals in the meatpacking plant.
2. Cows lined up in the slaughterhouse awaiting their turn for slaughtering.
3. The villagers protested against the cruel slaughtering of animals.
4. The smell of slaughtering animals permeated the air.
5. Animal activists campaigned against the inhumane conditions of slaughtering.
6. The scene of animals being slaughtered was hard to stomach.
7. The sounds of animals being slaughtered filled the air.
8. The natives performed ritual slaughtering of animals as sacrifice to their gods.
9. Workers engaged in slaughtering cattle for meat became numb to the brutality.
10. The army massacred the village, slaughtering men, women and children.
11. The invaders had no mercy, slaughtering everyone in their path.
12. The armed rebels perpetrated a massacre, slaughtering villagers indiscriminately.
13. Cries of agony arose from the animals being slaughtered.
14. The soldiers started slaughtering unarmed civilians in the occupied town.
15. Blood pooled on the floor from the slaughtering of animals.
16. After the slaughtering of the villagers, the land lay devastated.
17. The rampage left many dead from the ruthless slaughtering.
18. Reports of indiscriminate slaughtering of civilians shocked the world.
19. Witnessing the slaughtering of animals made her turn vegetarian.
20. Workers were on strike against abusive conditions and low pay in the slaughterhouses.
21. The rebels were known for systematically slaughtering entire families.
22. Villagers could hear the wailing of animals being slaughtered.
23. Descriptions of the conditions and treatment of animals during slaughtering were difficult to listen to.
24. The genocide left dozens dead from the systematic slaughtering of an ethnic group.
25. Slaughtering abattoirs processing thousands of animals daily create public health hazards.
26. Government inspectors scrutinized the slaughterhouses for hygiene violations.
27. Farmers took their cattle for slaughtering at the local abbatoir.
28. The rebels perpetrated a slaughter, brutally slaughtering men, women and children without mercy.
29. Diseased and injured animals are still routinely slaughtered for meat.
30. There were calls for tighter regulations on the slaughtering of farm animals.
31. Slaughterhouses employ workers to carry out the slaughtering of thousands of animals each day.
32. Industrialized slaughtering and butchering of animals on an assembly line causes stress and suffering.
33. Mechanized efficiency of slaughtering results in inhumane treatment of animals.
34. The farmer slit the throat of his farm animals before slaughtering them.
35. Mass slaughtering was carried out under the guise of ethnic cleansing.
36. Workers cut the throats of animals during slaughtering without regard for their suffering.
37. The stench of blood from the slaughterhouses permeated the surrounding neighborhoods.
38. Ritual slaughtering without stunning animals first is considered inhumane by some.
39. Rampant cruelty and abuse of animals occurs regularly during slaughtering operations.
40. The mass killing and slaughtering of innocent civilians was a war crime.
41. Health inspectors close down slaughterhouses for violations on a regular basis.
42. The sounds of animals in agony during slaughtering haunted him for years.
43. Many religions require ritual slaughtering of animals according to strict guidelines.
44. Workers slit the throats of pigs while fully conscious during the slaughtering process.
45. The government instituted regulations around the humane slaughtering of farm animals.
46. Slaughtering practices intended to reduce suffering of animals have been implemented in some countries.
47. Campaigns to improve welfare conditions for animals during slaughtering have made some progress.
48. The abattoir employed a worker specifically for slaughtering the pigs.
49. Investigations into the slaughterhouses revealed systematic abuse of animals during slaughtering.
50. Ritual slaughtering without stunning causes unnecessary suffering for animals.
51. Protests called for an end to factory farm practices and industrial slaughtering of animals.
52. Slaughterhouses operate around the clock to meet the demand for meat through continuous slaughtering.
53. Injured animals unable to walk are still routinely slaughtered for meat.
54. Complaints about cruelty and brutality during slaughtering were regularly filed with inspectors.
55. Whistleblowers leaked graphic footage of abuse during the slaughtering process at the facility.
56. Reports of negligence and inhumane slaughtering practices tarnished the company's reputation.
57. They petitioned the government to regulate and improve conditions during the slaughtering of animals.
58. Improved stunning methods prior to slaughtering help alleviate suffering in farm animals.
59. Demand for organic and humane meat requires changes to traditional slaughtering methods.
60. Laws were needed to ensure basic welfare standards for animals undergoing slaughtering.

Common Phases

1. The town was filled with the screaming of animals being slaughtering at the abbatoir.
2. The industrial scale slaughtering of animals for food leaves me feeling unsettled.
3. I could hear the pigs squealing as they were being herded toward the slaughterhouse for slaughtering.
4. The smell of blood and death hung in the air around the abattoir from the day's slaughtering.
5. The slaughtering of millions of turkeys for Thanksgiving always makes me uncomfortable.
6. I avoid eating meat on days when I know large numbers of animals are being slaughtering for festivals and holidays.
7. The tribe practiced ritual slaughtering to appease their gods.
8. The Vikings were known for their brutal slaughtering of villages during raids.
9. The soldiers were accused of slaughtering innocent civilians during the invasion.
10. The early morning hours were when most of the slaughtering and butchering took place on the farm.
11. Most of the cows were docile, used to the routine of being herded and slaughtering.
12. The footage of animals being slaughtering on factory farms was difficult to watch.
13. The massacre amounted to the complete slaughtering of the entire village.
14. Accounts of the slaughtering and executions shocked the world.
15. Witnesses said they saw the militants methodically slaughtering the villagers as they tried to flee.
16. Researchers documented the inhumane methods of slaughtering and cruel living conditions of the animals.
17. Ethical concerns have been raised about the industrial scale slaughtering of animals for food.
18. The barbaric slaughtering of prisoners shocked those who believed in due process and human rights.
19. She had difficulty digesting her meal after witnessing the violent slaughtering of animals for food.
20. Some religious traditions mandate ritual slaughtering and rituals before eating meat.
21. Animals were herded into pens where they were systematically slaughtering using high-tech equipment.
22. Vigils were held to honor the victims of the brutal slaughtering.
23. The militants were accused of indiscriminately slaughtering civilians, including women and children.
24. Disturbing footage has emerged of animals being beaten and improperly slaughtering at the facility.
25. Reports of torture and indiscriminate slaughtering during the invasion called into question the troops' rules of engagement.
26. The sounds of screaming pigs being slaughtering haunted him for weeks after leaving the slaughterhouse.
27. The invaders showed no mercy, putting the entire village to the sword and slaughtering everyone they encountered.
28. Locals still talk about the horrors of the massacre when rebels went from house to house slaughtering residents.
29. Investigations revealed systemic issues with the safety and humane treatment of animals during slaughtering.
30. Many religious traditions stress the importance of a swift and humane method of slaughtering animals for meat.
31. Protesters called for an end to what they called the "torturous slaughtering" of millions of animals for food each year.
32. Witness accounts of the slaughtering were stomach-churning and difficult to verify independently.
33. The gratuitous slaughtering of deer out of season is illegal and unethical.
34. There are concerns that the ritual method of slaughtering does not always result in an immediate loss of consciousness in animals.
35. Overcrowding, lack of veterinary care and improperly trained workers all contribute to inhumane slaughtering conditions.
36. Advances in technology have made it possible to slaughter greater numbers of animals more quickly and efficiently.
37. Activists argue that no amount of technical efficiency can justify the industrial scale slaughtering of sentient beings.
38. Many religions seek to minimize any suffering during the slaughtering of animals for meat through ritual practice.
39. The tribe used ritual slaughtering to give thanks for the animals that provided them with sustenance.
40. Consumers are increasingly pushing for more humane and ethical standards during the slaughtering of animals for food.
41. Details of the brutal slaughtering were too graphic to report in a family newspaper.
42. Protesters raised concerns over undocumented immigrants being exploited and subjected to dangerous conditions during slaughtering work.
43. Improvements in stunning and kill methods aim to minimize pain and distress during slaughtering.
44. Legislation has been proposed to increase oversight and improve conditions for workers and animals during slaughtering.
45. Investors are pressuring companies to adopt more sustainable and humane practices for raising and slaughtering animals.
46. Many workers develop mental health issues from the daily trauma of witnessing animals being slaughtering.
47. The tribe practiced ritual slaughtering to ensure a good harvest the following year.
48. Witnesses said the invading soldiers shot anyone in sight, methodically going room to room slaughtering men, women and children.
49. Concerns over food safety, public health and worker safety are intertwined with issues of inhumane slaughtering practices.
50. Ritual slaughtering is practiced by many religious groups as a sign of respect for the animals providing sustenance.
51. The soldier still has nightmares about the indiscriminate slaughtering he witnessed during the invasion.
52. Reports of senseless slaughtering and violence filled the news for days after the invasion.
53. Improvements in stunning and killing methods aim to reduce pain and distress during slaughtering.
54. Advocates argue for more oversight and regulation of industrial scale slaughtering operations.
55. Methods of ritual slaughter aim to lose as little blood as possible from the animal before slaughtering.
56. Witnesses said the invading soldiers used flamethrowers, randomly setting houses on fire and slaughtering anyone who tried to escape.
57. Guidelines for slaughtering seeks to minimize fear and distress in animals before and during the process.
58. She swore off eating meat after witnessing animals being cruelly treated and improperly slaughtering at a factory farm.
59. Improvements in stunning and killing techniques aim to make slaughtering of animals for food more humane.
60. Guidelines have been developed for humane transport, handling and slaughtering of animals.

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