Slobbermiddle example sentences

"Slobbermiddle" Example Sentences

1. The dog's slobbermiddle dripped onto the carpet.
2. I couldn't believe the slobbermiddle on my shirt from that dog.
3. The slobbermiddle on the window made it difficult to see outside.
4. My hand was covered in slobbermiddle after playing with the puppy.
5. The slobbermiddle on the car window was a sure sign that the dog was nearby.
6. Every time I walked by the dog it left a trail of slobbermiddle.
7. The slobbermiddle on the couch was evidence of the dog's favorite spot.
8. I couldn't help but laugh at the slobbermiddle on my friend's face after the dog licked her.
9. The slobbermiddle on my shoe was not a welcome sight.
10. The slobbermiddle on the chew toy was a sign that the dog enjoyed it.
11. The slobbermiddle on the tennis ball made it slippery to catch.
12. The slobbermiddle on the carpet made it clear that the dog had been there.
13. I was careful to avoid the slobbermiddle on the ground while walking in the park.
14. The slobbermiddle on the door handle was not a pleasant surprise.
15. I was grossed out by the slobbermiddle on the spoon that the dog licked.
16. The slobbermiddle on the grass showed me where the dog had been playing.
17. The slobbermiddle on the floor was a reminder to clean up after the dog.
18. I had to wipe off the slobbermiddle on my phone screen after the dog licked it.
19. The slobbermiddle on the Frisbee made it slippery to throw.
20. I left the room when the dog started leaving slobbermiddle everywhere.
21. The slobbermiddle on the towel proved that the dog had been playing in the pool.
22. It was hard to concentrate with the slobbermiddle on my notebook.
23. I was glad I wore gloves to avoid the slobbermiddle on the stick.
24. The slobbermiddle on the shirt sleeve was a sign that the dog wanted attention.
25. I had to wash my hands to get rid of the slobbermiddle.
26. The slobbermiddle on the pillow made me think twice about letting the dog on the bed.
27. I didn't want to touch the toy covered in slobbermiddle.
28. The slobbermiddle on the plant showed where the dog had been exploring.
29. The slobbermiddle on the TV remote made it difficult to change channels.
30. I had to clean the slobbermiddle off the doorknob before opening the door.

Common Phases

1. "I can't stand it when my dog slobbermiddles all over my face!"
2. "My baby sister left a slobbermiddle on my shirt."
3. "Please don't slobbermiddle on my new couch."
4. "I love my dog, but I could do without the slobbermiddle on my carpet."
5. "My boyfriend always slobbermiddles when he's drunk."
6. "His delicious meal was ruined by the slobbermiddle from his dog."
7. "I nearly slipped on a slobbermiddle in the hallway."
8. "I don't mind the slobbermiddle as much as the wet nose on my hand."
9. "The toddler slobbermiddled on every toy in the room."
10. "The Great Dane's slobbermiddle was almost as big as my hand."

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