Sloughs example sentences

Related (9): marshes, bogs, swamps, quagmires, morasses, wetlands, fens, bayous, mudflats

"Sloughs" Example Sentences

1. The sloughs around the pond were filled with algae.
2. The birdwatchers spotted a flock of ducks in the sloughs.
3. The farmer drained the sloughs to prepare the fields for planting.
4. The deer tracked through the sloughs on their way to the forest.
5. The naturalist cataloged the various species of plants and animals found in the sloughs.
6. The anglers caught several catfish in the sloughs.
7. The city council approved a plan for preserving the sloughs as part of a wildlife sanctuary.
8. The heron perched on a log in the sloughs to survey its surroundings.
9. The children explored the sloughs and discovered a frog.
10. The land surveyor mapped out the sloughs to determine boundaries.
11. The kayakers paddled through the narrow channels of the sloughs.
12. The botanist identified several rare flowers growing in the sloughs.
13. The beaver built a dam in the sloughs to create a pond.
14. The dog chased a rabbit through the sloughs and into a thicket.
15. The hiker found a beautiful clearing in the sloughs.
16. The butterfly flitted from flower to flower in the sloughs.
17. The horse stumbled in the mud of the sloughs and nearly fell.
18. The mosquito population was high in the sloughs due to standing water.
19. The alligator lurked beneath the surface of the sloughs, ready to pounce on prey.
20. The fisherman cast his line into the sloughs, hoping for a bite.
21. The lush vegetation in the sloughs was difficult to navigate through.
22. The biologist studied the ecosystem of the sloughs and how it supported various animal species.
23. The rare bird species in the sloughs attracted many birdwatchers from around the world.
24. The children skipped stones across the calm surface of the sloughs.
25. The mosquito netting protected the campers from bites while sleeping near the sloughs.
26. The remote location of the sloughs made it a haven for wildlife.
27. The wind rustled the leaves of the trees surrounding the sloughs.
28. The fishermen were careful to avoid stirring up the mud in the sloughs, to keep the water clear.
29. The kayakers enjoyed the peacefulness of the sloughs at sunrise.
30. The swampy sloughs provided a unique habitat for many animal and plant species.

Common Phases

you need anything specific or just some examples of phrases using the word "sloughs" separated by semicolons?
- The hike was mostly through thick forests, but we also crossed a few open sloughs; the latter were full of waterfowl.
- The company's plan to build a road across the wetland was met with strong opposition from environmentalists, who argued that it would devastate the delicate balance of the sloughs; the protesters organized a march to the state capitol to voice their concerns.
- During the rainy season, the dirt roads leading to the small farming community became nearly impassable due to the deep sloughs that formed; the locals had to resort to using tractors or horses to get around.
- The mischievous children enjoyed playing near the sloughs, where they could catch frogs, turtles, and other critters; however, their parents warned them to always be careful around the water.
- The latest aerial survey of the Great Lakes region revealed that many of the coastal sloughs were rapidly disappearing due to erosion and human activity; scientists were deeply concerned about the long-term implications for the ecosystem.

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