Sluicegates example sentences

Related (1): dams

"Sluicegates" Example Sentences

1. The water level was getting out of control, so the workers opened the sluicegates.
2. Competing fishermen fought over access to the open sluicegates.
3. The heavy rainfall meant that the sluicegates had to be closed to keep the river from overflowing.
4. The hydropower plant relied on precise management of the sluicegates to generate electricity.
5. The tourists marveled at the intricate network of sluicegates that controlled the water flow into the rice paddies.
6. The old lock and sluicegates were no longer functional, requiring extensive renovation.
7. The engineer designed the perfect sluicegates to ensure proper drainage from the dam.
8. The management of the wastewater treatment plant often called upon experts to help with the maintenance of the sluicegates.
9. The ship's captain nervously waited as the pilot expertly navigated through the narrow opening of the sluicegates.
10. The sudden release of water through the sluicegates created a dramatic spectacle.
11. Every summer, the maintenance crew inspected the sluicegates for rust and damage caused by harsh weather conditions.
12. The farmer checked the depth of the water in the canal, adjusting the sluicegates accordingly.
13. The relentless rainwater accumulating nearby the river caused the municipality to open the sluicegates.
14. The engineering team developed a new material that was stronger and could better withstand the force of water rushing through the sluicegates.
15. The sound of the sluicegates opening was music to the villagers' ears, signaling that their crops would soon grow.
16. The children played on the banks of the river as the water flowed smoothly through the sluicegates.
17. The outdated sluicegates were to blame for the recent flooding in the nearby area.
18. The birds perched atop the rusty sluicegates, enjoying the serenity of the flowing water.
19. The company was fined for neglecting the regular maintenance of their sluicegates, resulting in water contamination.
20. The construction company had to adjust their timeline to account for the installation of the massive sluicegates.
21. The old bridge was demolished to make way for the new, wider sluicegates.
22. The carpenter carefully crafted the sluicegates to exact specifications, ensuring a perfect fit.
23. The environmentalist grew concerned about the impact that the constantly opening and closing sluicegates had on the local wildlife.
24. The sluicegates were designed to protect the surrounding areas from flooding during heavy rains.
25. The maintenance crew repaired the faulty sluicegates, breathing new life into the aging equipment.
26. The sluicegates of the canal were painted a bright red to stand out against the surrounding landscape.
27. The canal bank was reinforced to prevent erosion caused by the powerful force of water released from the sluicegates.
28. The hydrologist studied the behavior of the water as it flowed through the sluicegates during periods of high precipitation.
29. The fishermen set their nets near the sluicegates, hoping to catch an abundance of fish as the water speeds up.
30. The urban planners proposed renovating the entire canal system, starting with a complete overhaul of the outdated sluicegates.

Common Phases

1. The sluicegates were opened, releasing a rush of water into the canal;
2. With the sluicegates closed, the water level began to rise in the reservoir;
3. The maintenance crew inspected the sluicegates, checking for any signs of damage;
4. The sluicegates were manually operated by a team of workers, ensuring the proper flow of water;
5. Heavy rainfall caused the sluicegates to open automatically, preventing the risk of flooding;
6. The sluicegates controlled the movement of water, allowing for efficient irrigation of the farmland;
7. A malfunctioning sluicegate caused a backup in the system, leading to a temporary shutdown.

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