Slurpings example sentences

Related (3): Gulping, sipping, drinking.

"Slurpings" Example Sentences

1. The slurpings from the soup echoed through the empty kitchen.
2. I couldn't help but smile at the loud slurpings coming from my toddler's cup.
3. The only sound in the small cafe was the slurpings of people drinking coffee.
4. She tried to contain her slurpings as she sipped the hot tea.
5. The slurpings from the smoothie machine could be heard from across the room.
6. The slurpings of the noodles were almost as satisfying as their taste.
7. The slurpings of the powerful vacuum cleaner filled the room.
8. The slurpings of the mud puddle beneath my boots were sickening.
9. The intense slurpings from the drain indicated a blockage.
10. The slurpings from the swampy marshland made the hair on my arms stand on end.
11. The constant slurpings from the air conditioner made it difficult to focus on anything else.
12. We were kept up all night by the slurpings of the mice in the walls.
13. I couldn't help but laugh at the exaggerated slurpings made by the cartoon character.
14. The slurpings from the water cooler were a welcome sound on hot summer days.
15. The slurpings of the car engine signaled that it was time for a tune-up.
16. We were disturbed by the constant slurpings of the worker's cleaning machine outside our window.
17. The loud slurpings coming from the hen house were a sign that it was time for feeding.
18. The slurpings of the waves against the shore were a calming sound.
19. The disgusting slurpings from the drain ruined our dinner experience.
20. The slurpings of the fountain provided a peaceful background sound in the garden.
21. The slurpings from the blender were deafening as she made her morning smoothie.
22. The sudden slurpings from the swamp caused us to jump in fear.
23. The slurpings of the train whistle could be heard from miles away.
24. The slurpings of the snow beneath our boots indicated that it was time to head back indoors.
25. The annoying slurpings from the air freshener made my allergies act up.
26. The slurpings from the coffee pot announced the start of the work day.
27. The slurpings from my dog's water bowl were a welcome sound in the quiet house.
28. The slurpings of the bulldozer indicated that the construction project was underway.
29. I couldn't stand the slurpings from the straw as my friend drank her milkshake.
30. The slurpings from the bathtub drain made me think it was time for a plumbing check-up.

Common Phases

1. She couldn't resist the chocolate milkshake and ended up slurping it all up;
2. The dog made loud slurping noises as he drank from his water bowl;
3. The little girl was slurping her soup and making a mess;
4. He slurped the last bit of spaghetti from his plate and felt satisfied;
5. The sound of slurping noodles echoed throughout the restaurant.

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