Smuthounds example sentences

Related (12): pornography, erotica, obscenity, vulgarity, indecency, lewdness, salaciousness, prurience, licentiousness, hedonism, debauchery, promiscuity.

"Smuthounds" Example Sentences

1. Smuthounds are highly trained dogs used for detecting and tracking illegal substances.
2. The government put together a team of smuthounds to search for hidden drugs.
3. The kennel produces some of the finest smuthounds in the country.
4. Police officers rely on their trusty smuthounds to assist in drug busts.
5. Smuthounds are a valuable asset to customs and border control agents.
6. A pack of smuthounds can cover large areas quickly during a search.
7. The smuthounds' keen sense of smell makes them ideal for tracking down illicit substances.
8. Handlers spend years training their smuthounds to be the best they can be.
9. The smuthounds must be kept in top physical condition to perform at their best.
10. Smuthounds have been known to sniff out drugs hidden deep inside cargo containers.
11. The use of smuthounds has increased in recent years due to the rise in drug trafficking.
12. Smuthounds are not just limited to searching for drugs, they can also detect explosives and other contraband.
13. A unit consisting of both human agents and smuthounds can be a highly effective team.
14. The smuthounds must be properly cared for and trained to avoid burning out from exhaustion.
15. The smuthounds are given breaks and rewards for a job well done.
16. Smuthounds are an important investment for law enforcement agencies.
17. The authorities often employ smuthounds to patrol high-risk areas.
18. The smuthounds and their handlers share a close bond due to their extensive training together.
19. The scent detecting abilities of smuthounds are unparalleled by any technology currently available.
20. Smuthounds are an important asset in the fight against drug trafficking.
21. Decades of selective breeding have produced some of the best smuthounds in the world.
22. Smuthounds are also used in search and rescue operations to locate missing individuals.
23. Smuthounds can help law enforcement officials build a solid case against drug dealers.
24. The use of smuthounds is a safer and less intrusive way to detect drugs than traditional body searches.
25. Smuthounds are rewarded after successfully locating hidden drugs or contraband.
26. A team of smuthounds was deployed to the border to intercept shipments of illegal drugs.
27. The success rate of smuthounds in drug busts is higher than any other technique currently used.
28. Smuthounds are trained to ignore distractions and focus solely on the scent they are tracking.
29. During training sessions, handlers use fake scents to challenge their smuthounds' abilities.
30. The smuthounds' noses are so sensitive, they can detect the smallest traces of drugs.

Common Phases

1. The smuthounds chased after the scent; they were determined to catch their prey.
2. The smuthounds worked tirelessly to find the missing person; their expert noses led them to success.
3. The smuthounds were brought in to investigate the crime scene; their keen sense of smell was critical in solving the case.
4. The smuthounds proved to be valuable assets in the search and rescue mission; they were able to locate the victim quickly.
5. The smuthounds were highly trained in detecting narcotics; their skills were essential in the drug bust operation.

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