Snoopy example sentences
Related (5): Beagle, Peanuts, curiosity, newspaper, Woodstock.
- adjective form of snoop
snoop (verb) · snoops (third person present) · snooped (past tense) · snooped (past participle) · snooping (present participle)
- investigate or look around furtively in an attempt to find out something, especially information about someone's private affairs:
- a furtive investigation:
- a person who furtively tries to find out information about someone's private affairs:
snoop, pry, inquire, nosy, stickybeak, investigate, explore, search, search, nose, look, prowl, ferret, poke, exploration, investigation, eavesdropper, interferer, meddler, busybody, investigator, detective, operative, snooper, PI, sleuth, peeper, shamus, gumshoe, stickybeak, hawkshaw, sherlock"Snoopy" Example Sentences
1. Don't be so snoopy. Mind your own business.
2. My roommate is so snoopy. She always wants to know what I'm doing.
3. My mom was snooping through my room again. She's so nosy.
4. Stop snooping through my things. I don't snoop through your private stuff.
5. Sally is a real snoopy one. She's always asking people what they're up to.
6. Don't be such a snoopy pants. Leave me alone.
7. The snoopy dog was sniffing around looking for food.
8. My little brother is a snoopy kid. He loves going through my stuff.
9. The snoopy reporter was trying to dig up dirt on the politician.
10. My coworker was being really snoopy, reading over my shoulder while I was writing an email.
11. The snoopy neighbor was looking out her window, watching everyone come and go.
12. I told my friend to mind their own business and stop being so snoopy.
13. The snoopy cat was pawing through the trash, looking for scraps of food.
14. The snoopy kid was eavesdropping on their parents' conversation.
15. Stop being so snoopy. It's really rude to go through people's things without permission.
16. My sister's snooping manners always bothered me.
17. Don't be such a snoopy old lady. Leave the young couple alone.
18. Sally's snooping cost her the job interview when they discovered she had gone through the boss's papers.
19. The snoopy detective went through all the suspects' garbage looking for clues.
20. The snoopy aunt was always getting into everyone's business.
21. My snoopy ex-boyfriend used to go through my phone when I wasn't looking.
22. The snoopy security guard watched everyone that came in and out of the building.
23. Our snoopy PR department reads all the media coverage about our company.
24. The snoopy journalist was always digging up dirt on celebrities.
25. Be careful working with that client - they're really snoopy and like to micro-manage people.
26. The snoopy principal went through the students' lockers looking for contraband.
27. My snoopy grandson always wants to know what I'm cooking for dinner.
28. My daughter accused me of being a snoopy mother when I checked her phone.
29. The snoopy library patron kept reading over my shoulder while I was researching online.
30. The snoopy waiter kept peering into our booth, listening in on our conversation.
31. Stop being so snoopy and mind your own business!
32. The snoopy gossip in the office always knew everyone's secrets.
33. Their home felt like the set of a reality show with their snoopy teenage kids.
34. My snoopy husband returns my online deliveries to see what I bought.
35. Stop snooping through my purse. You have no permission to go through my belongings!
36. The snoopy customer kept staring at me over my shoulder while I was working on the cash register.
37. I told the snoopy TSA agent to stop going through my luggage and giving me attitude.
38. My snoopy coworker kept reading over my shoulder while I was working on my report.
39. The snoopy little kid kept interrupting me and asking me questions about what I was doing.
40. My snooping manners always bothered my parents.
41. Don't be snoopy - mind your own business and let others have their privacy!
42. The snoopy government official went through citizens' personal records without permission.
43. The snoopy executive assistant read her boss's emails while he was out of the office.
44. Stop snooping around in my room like a creep!
45. I told that snoopy little brat to stop going through my stuff and mind their own business.
46. The snoopy valet kept asking the customer inappropriate personal questions.
47. Stop snooping through my phone without permission. It's an invasion of my privacy.
48. Don't be such a snoopy granny. Give the young couple some space.
49. Grandma was being so snoopy, reading over my shoulder while I was texting my friends.
50. That snoopy little neighbor kid won't stop peering through the fence into our backyard.
51. Quit snooping around in my desk. Everything in there is private.
52. The snoopy journalist kept asking intrusive personal questions during the interview.
53. My snoopy parents always read my diary and went through my room when I wasn't home.
54. The snoopy Vice Principal went around trying to catch students breaking the rules.
55. My snoopy friend always wants to know who I'm texting and what about.
56. My snoopy coworker was reading over my shoulder while I was working on an important report.
57. I told that snoopy little kid to stop going through my purse and mind their own business.
58. The snoopy cab driver kept asking the passenger personal questions about their life.
59. My snoopy boss keeps monitoring my internet activity while I'm at work.
60. The snoopy grandma was peering into the baby carriage, making annoying comments.
Common Phases
Mind your own business!
Quit snooping around!
Don't be so nosy/nosey.
Stop snooping through my things.
Get out of my personal space!
Give me some privacy!
That's none of your concern.
That's private.
Stop being so intrusive.
Stay out of my personal life!
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