Snowdrifts example sentences
Related (1): snowbanks
"Snowdrifts" Example Sentences
1. The snowdrifts piled up along the sides of the road after the blizzard.
2. The children played in the snowdrifts, making snow angels and igloos.
3. We had to shovel the walkway and clear paths through the snowdrifts just to leave the house.
4. The old stone walls were nearly covered by the deep snowdrifts that had accumulated overnight.
5. Snow drifted into giant mounds against the side of the house.
6. The dense snowdrifts came up to my waist in places.
7. The farmer had to use a tractor to plow through the massive snowdrifts that had accumulated in the fields.
8. The snowplows struggled to clear the roads as the high winds created new snowdrifts faster than they could be removed.
9. The children tunneled into the soft snowdrifts along the fence line.
10. Huge piles of snow built up against all the doors and windows after the massive blizzard.
11. We had to walk around rather than through the towering snowdrifts that had accumulated overnight.
12. The deep snowdrifts blocked the sidewalks and made walking treacherous after the snowstorm.
13. The railings and rail beds were almost entirely obscured by the heavy snowdrifts that piled up overnight.
14. Storms that blow in off the lake create the largest snowdrifts along this stretch of highway.
15. The car was almost completely buried in a snowdrift by the time the snowplow finally made it down the road.
16. Snowdrifts several feet deep lined both sides of the winding country road.
17. We had to dig our car out of a giant snowdrift in the driveway this morning after the blizzard.
18. The accumulation of snowdrifts along the road made travel nearly impossible during and after the snowstorm.
19. We dug channels through the soft snowdrifts so that we had a path to reach the front door.
20. The drifts of snow along the fence line were taller than the children playing in them.
21. Winter walking trails were marked by paths tramped through the deep snowdrifts.
22. We washed the plow off several times to keep clearing snowdrifts from the long country lane.
23. The sawhorse roof of the little house disappeared under snowdrifts several feet deep.
24. She trudged through knee-deep snowdrifts on her way home from work after the blizzard.
25. Snowdrifts billowed out from around trees and fence posts like drapery after gusting winds moved the snow around.
26. Visitors had to park at the end of the driveway and walk a path shoveled to the door due to the huge snowdrifts.
27. The children tunneled under the high snowdrifts like they were entering an enormous igloo.
28. Giant tractors were needed to clear pathways through the massive snowdrifts along the highway.
29. Snowdrifts so high they covered car windows lined the roads the morning after the snowstorm.
30. Icicles dangling from the eaves broke off and fell into the soft snowdrifts below.
31. We threw snowballs made from the newly fallen snow rather than the frozen snowdrifts that had been there for days.
32. The snowdrifts along the side of the barn provided just enough shelter for the small herd of goats being kept there.
33. The tall grass along the ditch line held huge snowdrifts that hid sleeping field mice and dormant frogs.
34. The huge piles of snow lining the road merged into a single giant snowdrift blocking all travel.
35. Each porch step became a miniature snowdrift that had to be dislodged before going in and out of the house.
36. The deep snowdrifts tapered to gentle mounds by the time they reached the edge of the front yard.
37. We used old cookie sheets to sled down the huge snowdrifts piled up along the sloping driveway.
38. Tall drifts of soft new snow covered everything in deep layers after the overnight storm.
39. The heavy snowdrifts collided with the car's undercarriage as we pushed through them in 4WD.
40. Steam rose from the ground where it poked through between the towering snowdrifts.
41. The deep snowdrifts obscured the path to the barn making it nearly impassable on foot.
42. We had to park the car at the end of the driveway and wade through snowdrifts to reach the front door.
43. The whipping winds quickly created large snowdrifts that blocked most of the small town's roads.
44. After shoveling a path, I stumbled upon a snowdrift so tall it covered my head.
45. The car was stuck in an impassable snowdrift that spanned the entire width of the country road.
46. Snowdrifts built up around each maple tree in the front yard making them look like mini mountains.
47. We divided up the work of clearing walkways and shoveling snow into the huge snowdrifts lining the driveway.
48. Freshly fallen snow swirled playfully in the breeze before settling into towering snowdrifts.
49. The chickens seemed contented to burrow into the large snowdrifts along the side of their henhouse for warmth.
50. My snowsuit and boots were caked with snow as I climbed out of one enormous snowdrift only to fall into another.
51. The dense snowdrifts muffled all sound and made the world seem still and quiet after the blizzard.
52. We spent hours shoveling paths through the dense network of snowdrifts that had developed overnight.
53. The small river winding through the valley was frozen and flanked by huge walls of snowdrifts.
54. Snowdrifts extended higher than telephone poles in places along the winding mountain road.
55. The front porch was nearly buried under towering snowdrifts that blocked access to the front door.
56. The snowdrifts grew taller each day as fresh snow fell on top of the old compacted snow.
57. Tall snowdrifts formed where the wind blew the snow into every corner and crevice of the junkyard.
58. The stone fence was completely obscured from view under the massive snowdrifts.
59. Steam from the chimney rose into frigid air and condensed into mini snowdrifts on the roof.
60. The cows gathered under an overhang for shelter from the blizzard, kicking up snowdrifts with their hooves.
Common Phases
1. The car got stuck in the snowdrifts on the side of the road.
2. We had to shovel ourselves out of the snowdrifts that accumulated overnight.
3. The snowdrifts piled up nearly ten feet high blocking the entire driveway.
4. The yard was covered in snowdrifts up to my waist after the blizzard.
5. The snowplow had not reached the long lane yet, leaving snowdrifts higher than the truck.
6. I made a snow fort from the large snowdrifts behind the garage.
7. The house looked like a winter wonderland covered in snowdrifts and icicles.
8. We had to dig narrow paths through the tall snowdrifts just to get to the front door.
9. The snowdrifts created by wind gusts along the highway made driving treacherous.
10. The children tunneled into the tall snowdrifts to build small snow caves.
11. The path was marked by footprints winding through the high snowdrifts.
12. Icicles hung from the bare tree branches above the snowdrifts.
13. The mail carrier could not navigate through the untouched snowdrifts lining the driveway.
14. The fence posts were completely buried in the massive snowdrifts piled up against them.
15. The snowplow cleared the main roads but left massive snowdrifts in front of the driveways.
16. Deer tracks criss-crossed through the snowdrifts in the fields behind the house.
17. The landscape was transformed into a winter wonderland of twisting snowdrifts and ice covered trees.
18. Snowdrifts built up high against the windows, cutting off most of the natural light.
19. The small snowdrifts in the shade of the trees remained untouched for weeks.
20. We had to climb over the tall snowdrifts covering the playground to get to the swing set.
21. The drifts of snow crossed over the fence, encroaching on both yards.
22. The tree branches bowed low under the weight of snow atop the tall snowdrifts below.
23. Snowdrifts higher than my head lined either side of the narrow path shoveled through them.
24. Wildlife remained undisturbed in the natural caverns formed within the snowdrifts.
25. The gusting winds created intricate patterns of snowdrifts covering the fence.
26. The snowdrifts formed perfect slopes for sledding down the hill behind the house.
27. A thin layer of fresh snow topped the hardened snowdrifts that had remained for weeks.
28. Small animals left tracks crisscrossing between and over the hardened snowdrifts.
29. My snowball fight with the neighbor kids created an entire army of miniature snowdrifts.
30. I searched for wildlife hiding beneath the overhanging edges of the large snowdrifts.
31. The recluse rarely left the sheltered comfort of her home except to navigate the snowdrifts to her mailbox.
32. My parents' footprints led through the snowdrifts to the front door from Saturday's shoveling.
33. An untouched snowdrift against the north side of the house remained well into April.
34. The deep snowdrifts lining either side of the shoveled walkway caught the rays of sunlight.
35. I built an igloo using snowdrifts left along the edge of the woods.
36. Birds sheltered in the trees above the snowdrifts lining the driveway.
37. The flower garden became one with the surrounding landscape of winding snowdrifts.
38. The fences, sheds and garages were barely visible beneath the towering snowdrifts.
39. Walking to school through the unplowed neighborhood streets meant navigating around snowdrifts.
40. The large snowdrifts cast shadows across the otherwise barren backyard.
41. The recluse preferred burying himself in snowdrifts instead of mingling with society.
42. The wind howled last night, piling snowdrifts high against the house.
43. I carved tunnels through the snowdrifts piled up by the side of the road.
44. The snowblower made short work of clearing a path through the tall snowdrifts.
45. The puppy playfully rolled and tumbled around in the snowdrifts lining the driveway.
46. Only the tips of bare tree branches extended above the towering snowdrifts.
47. Heavy snowfall and gale force winds created a maze of towering snowdrifts.
48. The small path shoveled for the mailman wound through the untouched snowdrifts.
49. The snowy meadow was transformed into rolling hills of tall snowdrifts by the harsh winds.
50. Windshield wipers didn't help much through the blinding snow and high snowdrifts.
51. Snowdrifts lined either side of the narrow dirt road making passage difficult.
52. The harsh winds carved fantastic shapes into the towering snowdrifts overnight.
53. The flat suburban landscape was transformed into rolling hills of giant snowdrifts.
54. Driving through tall snowdrifts in a blizzard was a white knuckle experience.
55. Snowdrifts towered over my head before I began shoveling them out of the driveway.
56. The neighbors worked together to clear paths through the towering snowdrifts.
57. The cabin looked like a snow covered mountain cabin surrounded by towering snowdrifts.
58 The enormous snowdrifts left behind by the snow plows lined either side of the road.
59. Fresh snow topped the towering snowdrifts that had stood undisturbed for weeks.
60. Only my mailbox was visible above the towering snowdrifts covering everything else.