Soiled example sentences

Related (14): dirty, stained, contaminated, polluted, befouled, messy, grimy, filthy, unclean, foul, sullied, tarnished, defiled, besmirched.

"Soiled" Example Sentences

1. The clothes were soiled and needed washing.
2. The bandages were soiled with blood and needed changing.
3. The toddler's hands were soiled from playing in the dirt.
4. The floor was soiled with tracks from muddy shoes.
5. Cleaning up after a long day left his hands soiled and dirty.
6. Throw out the soiled underwear and socks.
7. The soiled bandages had to be removed carefully.
8. They had to change the soiled sheets on the bed.
9. The soiled napkin was thrown away.
10. The dishes were rinsed before being washed to remove soiled food particles.
11. The once white shirt was now soiled brown from working outside.
12. His conscience was soiled by his past misdeeds.
13. Her hands were soiled from doing the garden work.
14. His mind was soiled with improper thoughts.
15. Her reputation was soiled by the scandal.
16. The kitchen towels were soiled and needed replacing.
17. She could not sleep on the soiled sheets.
18. The water in the pond had become soiled and stagnant.
19. The surgery left her sterile dressings soiled with blood.
20. Remove your soiled work clothes before coming inside.
21. The tools were soiled from use and needed to be cleaned.
22. The gardener's shoes were soiled and muddy.
23. The accident left the once white dress soiled with motor oil.
24. The nurse surveyed the wound and changed the soiled bandage.
25. The carpet became soiled with muddy footprints.
26. Her conscience remained soiled after years of deceit.
27. The infant's diaper was soiled and stinky.
28. They had to remove the soiled mattress cover.
29. The puppy had soiled the carpet again.
30. The clothing was soiled with smudges of grease and oil.
31. Leave your soiled overalls outside before coming in to eat.
32. The surgery left the sterile drapes soiled with blood.
33. The money had become soiled from many hands.
34. His mind remained soiled from exposure to pornography as a youth.
35. The stains had soiled the once crisp white shirt.
36. The beach towel was soiled with sand and saltwater.
37. The gardener's hands were soiled from hours of digging in the dirt.
38. The contractor's work boots were soiled with concrete and mud.
39. The soiled towel was thrown in the laundry hamper.
40. The earth had become soiled by mankind's mistreatment.
41. The library book pages were soiled with age.
42. The soiled bandages were discarded in the biohazard bin.
43. His soul had become soiled by years of lies and deception.
44. The floor drain was soiled with hair, dirt and debris.
45. They wore shoe covers to avoid soiling the freshly cleaned floors.
46. Her reputation remained soiled despite her efforts to make amends.
47. The once pristine white uniform was now soiled with chemicals and powders.
48. The garbage collector's hands were soiled from picking up trash all day.
49. The window shades were soiled from years of smoking indoors.
50. Throw out that soiled diaper immediately.
51. The nurse examined the surgical incision for signs of soiling.
52. The floor mats were soiled from use and needed replaced.
53. His hands remained soiled despite repeated washings.
54. The kitchen towels were soiled beyond washing and needed replaced.
55. The search had become a soiled affair smeared with innuendo.
56. The river had become soiled from chemical runoff and waste.
57. The baby's hands were soiled with mush from the mashed peas.
58. The surgeon's sterile gowns became soiled during the lengthy procedure.
59. Our once beautiful world has become soiled and polluted.
60. The linens were soiled from years of use and sat in a pile awaiting replacement.

Common Phases

1. Soil one's hands - To become personally involved in something unpleasant or unethical.
2. Soiled hands - Someone who has done something unethical or illegal.
3. Soil one's good name - To damage one's reputation or character.
4. Soil one's reputation - To damage one's reputation through unwise actions.
5. Soil one's conscience - To compromise one's moral principles through wrongdoing.
6. Soiled conscience - An uneasy or guilty mind resulting from immoral actions.
7. Soil one's nest - To contaminate or damage one's surroundings or place of work.
8. Soiled nest - A contaminated or damaged living or working space.
9. Soil one's innocence - To lose one's moral purity through exposure to evil or corruption.
10. Soiled innocence - The loss of moral purity that results from exposure to evil.

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