Solidness example sentences

Related (8): stability, firmness, durability, strength, cohesiveness, robustness, soundness, integrity

"Solidness" Example Sentences

1. The solidity of the foundation ensured the building's stability.
2. The solidness of the ground beneath their feet made walking easier.
3. Her argument lacked solidness and coherence.
4. The heaviness and solidness of the book was comforting.
5. The construction workers worked tirelessly to ensure the solidness of the bridge.
6. The density and solidness of the rock impressed the geologists.
7. The solidness of the furniture made it durable and long-lasting.
8. The athlete's solidness and strength allowed her to excel in her sport.
9. The solidness of the cake made it difficult to cut through.
10. The heaviness and solidness of the door made it difficult to push open.
11. The solidness of the metal ensured its resistance to corrosion.
12. The solidness of the bedframe made it a reliable support for the mattress.
13. The solidness of her arguments convinced the panel.
14. The tree's solidness made it difficult to cut down.
15. The solidness of the wall protected the passengers from the strong winds outside.
16. The solidness of the concrete ensured the longevity of the pavement.
17. The solidness of the foundation prevented the building from collapsing during the earthquake.
18. The solidness of the ice made it sturdy enough for skating.
19. The solidness of the rock formation made it a popular destination for climbers.
20. The solidness of the steel prevented the machine from breaking down.
21. The solidness of the board gave the diver a reliable surface to jump from.
22. The solidness of his handshake conveyed his strength and confidence.
23. The solidness of the muscles in his legs allowed him to run long distances with ease.
24. The solidness and thickness of the fabric made it ideal for outdoor furniture.
25. The solidness of the floorboards made it comfortable to walk on.
26. The solidness of the car's frame contributed to its safety features.
27. The solidness of the wall prevented the sound from traveling to the neighboring room.
28. The solidness of the metal pipes ensured the water flowed without any leaks.
29. The solidness of the clay pottery made it a popular choice for decor and everyday use.
30. The solidness of the oak table made it a family heirloom that was passed down for generations.

Common Phases

1. Her demeanor exuded a sense of solidness; she seemed unwavering in her beliefs.
2. The foundation of the building was built with such solidness that it could withstand any storm.
3. His hand grip conveyed a sense of solidness that made it difficult to shake him off.
4. The rock's solidness was evident in its weight and texture.
5. The contract was drafted with a sense of solidness, leaving no room for ambiguity.
6. The team's defense was a testament to their solidness, with no opponent able to score a goal.
7. The CEO's decision was based on the solidness of the company's financial position.
8. The old tree's solidness stood the test of time, seemingly immune to any natural calamities.

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