Solitudinarians example sentences

Related (4): solitaries, hermits, recluses, loners

"Solitudinarians" Example Sentences

1. The group of solitudinarians preferred spending time alone rather than socializing.
2. The solitudinarians found peace and quietude in their own company.
3. Solitudinarians believe that spending time in solitude helps them meditate better.
4. The solitudinarians cherished their moments of seclusion away from the chaos of the world.
5. It was refreshing to find a group of solitudinarians in this extroverted world.
6. The solitudinarians found comfort in the silence of nature.
7. The solitudinarians were not introverts but people who loved their own company.
8. As solitudinarians, we must learn to embrace and appreciate our own selves.
9. Solitudinarians know that solitude is not loneliness, but serenity.
10. The solitudinarians enjoyed being lost in their thoughts as they wandered in nature.
11. The solitudinarians had a deep understanding of their own selves.
12. The solitudinarians relished the freedom that came with solitude.
13. Solitudinarians almost thrive in places where others would feel isolated.
14. The solitudinarians couldn't understand why others always craved social interactions.
15. Solitudinarians felt that they had a better insight into their own emotions and thoughts without external influences.
16. The solitudinarians valued their own privacy and never imposed on others.
17. Being solitudinarians, they preferred isolated locations for their vacations.
18. Solitudinarians believe that true creativity comes from being alone with your thoughts.
19. The solitudinarians found that they gained more clarity in their minds through meditation.
20. The solitudinarians had no trouble making decisions as they were not influenced by external opinions.
21. The solitudinarians preferred an ascetic lifestyle over materialistic indulgences.
22. Solitudinarians are not unmindful of society, but choose to live outside its bounds.
23. The solitudinarians practiced mindfulness and learned to be aware of their own thoughts.
24. Solitudinarians appreciate the beauty of life and find joy in small things.
25. The solitudinarians did not feel lonely but enjoyed the company of their own selves.
26. The solitudinarians found that they write better when they have no distractions.
27. Solitudinarians believe that only when you are alone can you truly know who you are.
28. The solitudinarians knew that their path was not for everyone and respected those who were different.
29. Solitudinarians are the true seekers of inner peace and meaning in life.
30. The solitudinarians had to deal with societal judgement but stayed true to their own selves.

Common Phases

you want to join in?
1. The solitudinarians spent their weekends hiking alone; they cherished the peace and quiet of the wilderness.
2. As a solitudinarian, she enjoyed spending her evenings curled up with a good book; social events drained her energy.
3. The solitudinarians in the neighborhood rarely spoke to each other; they preferred to keep to themselves and their own routines.
4. Being a solitudinarian doesn't mean she's anti-social; she just needs alone time to recharge.
5. Solitudinarians can be misunderstood as being unfriendly, but really they just need time to themselves; it's nothing personal.
6. Some people find it odd that solitudinarians enjoy being by themselves so much; but for them, it's a part of who they are.
7. The solitudinarian lifestyle isn't for everyone; some people thrive in constant social interaction, while others need alone time to function.
8. The solitudinarians in the coffee shop sat by themselves; they had no need for conversation or company.
9. Solitudinarianism can be seen as a form of self-care; it allows individuals to focus on themselves and their own needs.
10. Being a solitudinarian can be challenging in a world that values constant connection and social interaction; but for some, it's the only way to find peace.

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