Sometimes example sentences

Related (5): occasionally, sporadically, intermittently, infrequently, irregularly

"Sometimes" Example Sentences

1. I sometimes forget where I put my keys.
2. We sometimes go out for dinner on the weekends.
3. The traffic is sometimes bad during rush hour.
4. The food tastes better when someone else cooks it, sometimes.
5. Sometimes I just want to stay in bed all day.
6. My daydreams sometimes seem more real than reality.
7. My neighbor is very friendly but sometimes a little nosey.
8. Sometimes life feels overwhelming and too much to handle.
9. I sometimes regret not traveling more when I was younger.
10. The weather can sometimes be unpredictable in the spring.
11. Sometimes my cat acts more like a dog than a cat.
12. My brain likes to play tricks on me sometimes when I'm tired.
13. Things that scare me sometimes don't seem so scary later.
14. I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I had made different choices.
15. I sometimes offer advice I'm not sure I should be giving.
16. Sometimes we find what we need in the last place we look.
17. The movies I watched as a child sometimes still make me laugh.
18. Office gossip sometimes tells more about the gossipers than the subject.
19. Life sometimes throws difficult challenges our way.
20. I sometimes think I would make a better parent if I had kids.
21. Complaining sometimes makes me feel better temporarily but not for long.
22. Sometimes I feel very alone even when surrounded by people.
23. People sometimes don't say what they really mean.
24. Have you ever felt like you're living someone else's life sometimes?
25. My dog sometimes looks at me like she understands everything I say.
26. Negative thoughts sometimes hijack my mind for no good reason.
27. Anxiety sometimes makes my heart race for no apparent reason.
28. My dreams sometimes feel more meaningful than my daily routine.
29. I sometimes find comfort in the familiar.
30. Sometimes I wish I lived in a simpler time.
31. My old friends sometimes feel like strangers now.
32. Good times sometimes seem short-lived.
33. Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
34. Simple pleasures sometimes bring the most joy.
35. Change sometimes comes slowly and then all at once.
36. New ideas are sometimes met with skepticism at first.
37. Well-worn paths are sometimes the most comforting.
38. Sadness sometimes lingers long after the cause is forgotten.
39. Sometimes we need to slow down to really move forward.
40. Old habits sometimes die hard.
41. Making mistakes sometimes leads to new discoveries.
42. Sometimes I bake when I just want an excuse to eat the results.
43. Anger sometimes resides just below the surface, ready to flare up.
44. Sometimes the most beautiful things are hidden just out of sight.
45. Things sometimes look different from a new angle or perspective.
46. The truth sometimes hurts but lies hurt worse.
47. Time sometimes heals all wounds.
48. Good intentions sometimes pave the road to hell.
49.The most mundane tasks sometimes bring me the most calm.
50. Saying less sometimes says more than saying too much.
51. People sometimes open up more after a few drinks.
52. Failure sometimes teaches the hardest but best lessons.
53. My childhood memories sometimes feel like they belong to someone else.
54. The future sometimes feels impossible to predict.
55. Sometimes enjoying the little things is the true meaning of happiness.
56. Small acts of kindness can sometimes make a big difference.
57. Sometimes what we're searching for has been with us all along.
58. Taking time for myself sometimes feels selfish but I need it.
59. Things we take for granted sometimes mean the most.
60. Opportunity sometimes comes disguised in the form of misfortune.

Common Phases

1. I sometimes go to the park on the weekends.
2. Kids can be difficult to deal with sometimes.
3. My pets get into mischief sometimes.
4. The weather is unpredictable sometimes.
5. They sometimes have late night meetings at work.
6. I sometimes cook, but I don't enjoy it that much.
7. She sometimes wishes she had taken a different career path.
8. The lines at the store can be long sometimes.
9. Sometimes I try to read a book before going to sleep.
10. He sometimes plays the guitar to relax.
11. Traffic was terrible, sometimes moving at a snail's pace.
12. She sometimes forgets little things easily.
13. You have to be patient with children, sometimes they just don't listen.
14. Sometimes I regret things I said in the past.
15. Our family dog occasionally barks at strangers but sometimes he's friendly.
16. Exercise can be daunting, so I only go to the gym sometimes.
17. The TV signal was sketchy and cut out sometimes during the game.
18. Life can be stressful sometimes but you have to keep going.
19. My phone battery dies sometimes in the middle of the day.
20. My alarm sometimes fails to go off leaving me overslept.
21. I sometimes have trouble waking up in the mornings.
22. I sometimes miss these days once they've passed.
23. Things around the house break or stop working sometimes.
24. She can be very caring and thoughtful, sometimes overly so.
25. He sometimes forgets to put the toilet seat down.
26. My younger siblings sometimes get on my nerves.
27. The computer network goes down sometimes at work.
28. Arguments sometimes happen even between close friends.
29. I sometimes lose things and have to backtrack to find them.
30. She sometimes has trouble sleeping at night.
31. Work responsibilities can pile up and seem overwhelming sometimes.
32. His ideas are creative but sometimes unrealistic.
33. The movie previews were more interesting than the film itself, sometimes.
34. Coffee sometimes keeps me up later than I intend.
35. My roommate sometimes leaves laundry in the washing machine for days.
36. I sometimes feel like a failure when things don't go according to plan.
37. Dinner with extended family can be exciting but sometimes awkward.
38. Grocery shopping can be mundane and tedious, sometimes.
39. My siblings and I used to fight frequently as children but sometimes get along well now.
40. The news reports can be depressing sometimes.
41. I should eat healthier, but sometimes junk food tastes too good.
42. My job can be repetitive and stressful, sometimes making me want to quit.
43. I sometimes wonder if I should have taken a different career path.
44. My friends give good advice sometimes but other times their recommendations go awry.
45. She sometimes acts flippant but actually cares deeply.
46. I sometimes wish I could turn back the clock.
47. Work meetings sometimes feel like a waste of time.
48. Phones and internet connections can go down unexpectedly sometimes.
49. Reading nonfiction can be informative but sometimes dry.
50. Conversations with my parents sometimes make me nostalgic for childhood.
51. Small talk with strangers can be awkward at times but also pleasant sometimes.
52. Studying for tests was difficult and frustrating but sometimes rewarding.
53. Cleaning the house is tiresome but feels satisfying sometimes afterwards.
54. Exercise can be difficult to get motivated for but sometimes leaves me feeling energized.
55. My job involves many tedious tasks but sometimes interesting projects as well.
56. Socializing can seem exhausting at times but is sometimes enjoyable.
57. Crowds and noise at public events can be overwhelming but sometimes exciting too.
58. Difficult conversations need to happen sometimes for growth and understanding.
59. Complaining solves little but can be therapeutic - sometimes.
60. Life has its ups and downs but overall is a gift, sometimes we forget that.

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