Spacetime example sentences

Related (2): Relativity, Universe

"Spacetime" Example Sentences

1. The theory of relativity fundamentally changed our understanding of spacetime.
2. Black holes are extreme examples of the curvature of spacetime.
3. The laws of physics apply equally throughout all of spacetime.
4. The concept of spacetime allows us to describe the universe as a whole.
5. Gravity is caused by the warping of spacetime by massive objects.
6. The evolution of the universe is intricately tied to the evolution of spacetime.
7. One of the biggest mysteries in physics is how quantum mechanics fits into the framework of spacetime.
8. In the early universe, spacetime may have been highly curved and distorted.
9. The mathematical framework of general relativity provides a way to describe the geometry of spacetime.
10. Spacetime is a four-dimensional construct that includes three dimensions of space and one of time.
11. The theory of loop quantum gravity proposes a new way to understand the nature of spacetime.
12. Theories of supersymmetry suggest that all particles are made of tiny strings vibrating in a higher-dimensional spacetime.
13. The structure of spacetime determines the paths that particles and light take.
14. The concept of a wormhole is based on the idea of shortcuts through spacetime.
15. Studying the curvature of spacetime can help us understand the origins of the universe.
16. The concept of the Big Bang involves a sudden expansion of spacetime and matter.
17. The existence of gravitational waves confirms the idea that spacetime can bend and stretch.
18. The phenomenon of time dilation is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime.
19. The fabric of spacetime is constantly fluctuating at the quantum level.
20. Understanding the nature of spacetime is a key goal of modern physics.
21. The structure of spacetime may be intimately connected to the nature of dark energy and dark matter.
22. In the early universe, spacetime was likely very different from the spacetime that we observe today.
23. The concept of a singularity, such as in a black hole, describes a point where spacetime becomes infinitely curved and distorted.
24. The mathematical framework of M-theory suggests that spacetime may include extra dimensions beyond the four that we experience.
25. The concept of spacetime foam suggests that spacetime is not continuous, but rather composed of discrete units.
26. The fabric of spacetime is affected by the presence of energy and matter.
27. The concept of a multiverse suggests that there may be other universes existing in higher-dimensional spacetime.
28. The expansion of the universe suggests that spacetime itself is growing.
29. The phenomenon of gravitational lensing is caused by the curvature of spacetime by massive objects.
30. The concept of negative mass may have implications for the structure of spacetime itself.

Common Phases

1. Spacetime is the fabric of the universe;
2. The theory of relativity describes how spacetime behaves;
3. Black holes warp spacetime around them;
4. The speed of light is the only constant in spacetime;
5. The curvature of spacetime affects the motion of objects;
6. Spacetime can be distorted by the presence of massive objects;
7. The Big Bang theory describes the origin of spacetime;
8. The geometry of spacetime determines the paths of particles and light.

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