Spade example sentences

Related (7): shovel, spadeful, spadework, spadebill, spadille, spadix, spadelike

"Spade" Example Sentences

1. He dug up the weeds with his spade.
2. The gardener used the spade to loosen the soil.
3. She planted the flowers with her garden spade.
4. The archeologist used the spade to uncover artifacts buried in the ground.
5. He turned over the soil in the flower bed with his spade.
6. The grave digger dug the grave with his spade and shovel.
7. She called him an insensitive spade for his rude remarks.
8. The gardener's spade hit something hard buried in the flower bed.
9. He plunged his spade into the ground to dig a hole for the new tree.
10. The man used a spade to clear the snow from his driveway.
11. The spade has a long wooden handle and a flat metal blade.
12. She lifted clumps of soil with her long handled spade.
13. The child helped his dad garden by holding the spade.
14. The stark spade and shovel hung from the side of the shed.
15. The horse plows the fields with a plow while humans use spades and shovels.
16. The workers dug out the trench using picks and spades.
17. The spade was dull and rusted from years of disuse.
18. The gardener leaned on his spade and wiped the sweat from his brow.
19. She put away the spade and watering can when she was done gardening.
20. The yard tool that looks like a flat iron blade on a long wooden handle is a spade.
21. His stiff, aching arms were sore from digging with the spade all day.
22. She plunged the spade into the packed soil to loosen a section for planting.
23. The ground was hard so it took effort to push the spade into the dirt.
24. She rested the spade against the side of the shed when she was done.
25. The ornate hand forged spade was an antique prized by the collector.
26. He leaned the spade against the wall of the toolshed when he finished gardening.
27. He dug up Weeds with his garden spade.
28. The gardener turned over the flower bed with his spade.
29. Pickaxes and mining spades hung from the wall of the old shed.
30. New growth sprouted from the soil recently overturned by the gardener's spade.
31. The grave marker indicated where the digging spade had punctured the earth.
32. She used the spade to dig the hole where the new sapling would go.
33. He plunged the spade into the dirt so he could lift another shovelful of soil.
34. The ground was unyielding until he put his full weight behind the spade.
35. They unearthed a treasure trove of ancient artifacts with picks and spades.
36. The children pretended their spades were swords as they dug in the sandbox.
37. The king knighted the gardener for services rendered with spade in hand.
38. The gardener caught his breath before raising the spade once more.
39. The gardener leaned on his spade and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
40. The man dug a pit for a fire with a spade and shovel.
41. She thrust the spade into the dirt and heaved another shovelful of soil aside.
42. The gardener took a break, leaning his spade against the shed.
43. New plants sprouted where the gardener's spade had overturned the soil.
44. The worker dug the hole for the plant's roots with the garden spade.
45. The gardening spade had a long wooden handle and a triangular metal blade.
46. The youths pretended the spades were swords as they dueled in the sandbox.
47. He lifted the spade and plunged it into the earth once more.
48. Dust and dirt clung to the gardener's spade at the end of the day.
49. The gardener used a spade to dig holes for planting new flowers.
50. The pickaxe and spade hung unused on the garden shed's wall.
51. The gardener stuck the spade in the dirt and wiped his brow.
52. The gardener leaned his weight on the spade to force it into the ground.
53. The farmer preferred a plow to a spade for tilling the fields.
54. The spade and shovel dug clumsily through the hardened soil.
55. He lifted another shovelful of dirt with the pointed end of the spade.
56. The night watchman dug a shallow pit with his spade.
57. The hole in the ground showed where the gardener's spade had recently dug.
58. The gardener steadied the spade with his boot before pushing down on the handle.
59. The gardener leaned on the spade to catch his breath before continuing.
60. The grave digger rested his spade against a headstone and mopped his brow.

Common Phases

1. Call a spade a spade - To speak plainly, without understatement or euphemism.
2. Dig with a spade - To proceed or deal with something in an honest, straightforward manner.
3. Turn over a new leaf - To reform one's bad habits and start afresh.
4. Ace in the hole - A hidden advantage or trump card.
5. Turn the tables - To reverse a situation so that the roles or positions of two opposing parties are reversed.
6. Bend over backwards - To go to great lengths to please or accommodate someone.
7. Eat crow - To admit guilt, apologize, or humiliate oneself after having taken an incorrect position.
8. Fat chance - An impossibility or highly unlikely event.
9. Jump the gun - To proceed too quickly or act too soon.
10. Pipe dream - An impractical, fanciful idea; an unreasonable hope or wish.

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