Spanked example sentences

Related (10): punished, slapped, whipped, beaten, smacked, spanked, thrashed, caned, flogged, paddled

"Spanked" Example Sentences

1. My parents never spanked me as a child.
2. He deserved to be spanked for his misbehavior.
3. The naughty child was spanked by his teacher.
4. I knew I was going to get spanked if I came home too late.
5. The mother spanked her son for lying to her.
6. The disciplinary committee decided to spank the student for his transgressions.
7. The punishment for disobedience was a thorough spanking.
8. She bent over, ready to be spanked by her partner.
9. The coach threatened to spank the team if they didn't improve their performance.
10. He was so embarrassed after being spanked in front of his friends.
11. I don't think spanking is an effective way to discipline children.
12. The child was crying after being spanked for drawing on the walls.
13. She begged her father not to spank her for getting a bad grade.
14. I don't remember the last time I was spanked.
15. The teacher was criticized for spanking the student too hard.
16. The mother was torn between spanking her child or finding a different form of discipline.
17. The father felt guilty after spanking his daughter, and decided to apologize to her.
18. The child refused to listen, so his father had to give him a spanking.
19. Many people believe that spanking can cause psychological damage to children.
20. The therapist advised the couple to avoid spanking their child as a form of punishment.
21. The coach made the team do extra drills instead of spanking them for their bad behavior.
22. The mother regretted spanking her son and gave him a hug to make up for it.
23. The child was often spanked as a punishment for his constant misbehavior.
24. The father was worried that he may have crossed the line by spanking his son too hard.
25. The child learned his lesson after being spanked for running into the street.
26. She was defiant and said she didn't care if she was spanked or not.
27. The school banned spanking as a form of disciplinary action.
28. The child was relieved when his parents chose to ground him instead of spanking him for his actions.
29. The mother used spanking as a last resort when trying to discipline her child.
30. The parent's approach to discipline varied, with some choosing to spank while others opting for timeouts or taking away privileges.

Common Phases

1. I got spanked when I broke the vase;
2. Spanked for being rude to my grandparents;
3. Don't make me spank you again for talking back;
4. Spanked for not finishing my homework;
5. I remember getting spanked when I stole a cookie;
6. Spanked for not telling the truth;
7. I deserved to be spanked for misbehaving in public;
8. Spanked for pushing my little sister;
9. I never forgot the time I got spanked for running away from home;
10. Spanked for playing with matches.

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