Specie example sentences
Related (4): coin, currency, money, payment
specie (noun)
- money in the form of coins rather than notes:
cash, funds, capital, finances, banknotes, notes, coins, change, coin, coinage, silver, copper, currency, sterling, bills, roll, dough, bread, loot, shekels, moolah, wad, boodle, dibs, gelt, ducats, rhino, gravy, scratch, stuff, oof, brass, lolly, readies, dinero, greenbacks, simoleons, bucks, jack, mazuma, Oscar, splosh, green, tin, kale, rocks, shinplasters, pelf"Specie" Example Sentences
1. The forest is home to many species of plants and animals.
2. Gold and silver coins are specie that can be used as currency.
3. The expedition discovered several new species of frogs.
4. The animal shelter cares for many species of cats and dogs.
5. The garden contains a wide variety of plant species.
6. Tardigrades are a unique species that can survive in extreme conditions.
7. Biologists classified species based on their similarities and differences.
8. The rainforest contains a diverse array of plant and animal species.
9. The zoo houses many exotic species from around the world.
10. The river has several species of fish that migrate upstream to spawn.
11. The island is home to many endemic species found nowhere else.
12. Gold and silver coins are a form of specie that banks can deposit at the central bank.
13. The archipelago's isolated islands led to unique species evolving independently.
14. The coral reef ecosystem supports thousands of aquatic species.
15. Evolution creates new species and drives the diversity of life.
16. Specie refers to gold and silver coins used as currency.
17. The expedition discovered an unknown species of monkey in the unexplored jungle.
18. Species diversity is important for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.
19. The war disrupted the flow of trade and specie between the two countries.
20. Extinction threatens many endangered plant and animal species.
21. Humans are just one of millions of species on the planet.
22. Specie reserves allow banks to meet short-term demands for cash.
23. The researchers carefully cataloged every plant species they found in the forest.
24. Hundreds of new species are discovered every year.
25. Some species have undergone rapid evolution to survive.
26. Before paper money, specie in the form of coins served as currency.
27. The whale is a species of marine mammal.
28. Mutations allow for the evolution of new species over time.
29. The mining town relied on the flow of specie from the newly discovered gold deposits.
30. The factors threatening biodiversity include habitat loss and introduction of invasive species.
31. Native species evolved in balance with the local ecosystem.
32. Many species of insects and arachnids live in the forest.
33. The study found that a certain species of bird was decreasing in population.
34. Extinction events have periodically wiped out the majority of species on Earth.
35. The new species of frog was closely related to an existing species.
36. Specie reserves form the backbone of a nation's banking system.
37. The lawyer argued that the human species deserved equal protection under the law.
38. Scientists are constantly discovering new species in remote parts of the world.
39. Specie serves as a reliable monetary base for an economy.
40. De-extinction aims to bring back species that have gone extinct.
41. Flowering plants represent the largest group of species on land.
42. The census found a significant decline in the population of several bird species.
43. The vials contained specimens of numerous plant and insect species.
44. Whales are examples of air-breathing aquatic species.
45. The researchers named the new species after its unique physical characteristics.
46. The specie reserves held by the central bank influence monetary policy.
47. The discovery of a new species of human ancestor made scientific headlines.
48. Species classification based on genetic analysis is more accurate than physical traits.
49. Regulations are in place to prevent the harvesting of endangered species.
50. Some argue that human activity threatens more species with extinction than any natural phenomenon.
51. The island is a hot spot for new plant species evolution.
52. Mammals represent a class of vertebrate species.
53. Modern technology allows us to discover new species that were previously unknown to science.
54. Scientists aim to protect vulnerable and endangered species.
55. The dog is a domesticated species that evolved from wolves.
56. Physical isolation can lead to new species evolving on remote islands.
57. Specie reserves at the central bank are used to regulate cash flow in the economy.
58. Wildlife conservation aims to protect vulnerable plant and animal species.
59. The divers found an unknown species of coral on the expedition.
60. Extinctions have occurred naturally throughout Earth's history, removing some species while others survive.
Common Phases
hard specie - coins made from precious metals used as currency
specie payment - making a payment using coins rather than paper currency
specie basis - using gold or silver coins as the basis for a currency rather than paper money
specie reserves - stores of gold and silver coins held by a bank or treasury
convertible into specie - able to be converted into or exchanged for precious metal coins
resumption of specie payments - restoring the convertibility of paper money into precious metal coins
currency based on specie - a monetary system where paper money is backed by and convertible into coins made from precious metals
specie circulation - the amount of gold and silver coins in actual use and circulation as currency
flow of specie - the movement or transfer of precious metal coins from one place to another
convertible at sight into specie - able to be immediately converted upon request into gold or silver coins
So in summary, when used in an economic context, specie mainly refers to gold and silver coins used as currency and in relation to backing paper notes with precious metal reserves.
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