Specimens example sentences

Related (11): samples, examples, models, representatives, instances, illustrations, paradigms, tokens, tests, trials, prototypes.

"Specimens" Example Sentences

1. The scientist collected specimens of the rare plant.
2. The lab required fresh specimens for testing.
3. The scientists carefully preserved the specimens for further analysis.
4. The biology class observed various plant specimens under the microscope.
5. The museum displays ancient specimens of dinosaur fossils.
6. The zoologist studied the animal specimens to identify new species.
7. The lab keeps specimens refrigerated to maintain freshness.
8. The test specimens met all the quality standards.
9. The expedition returned with rare mineral specimens from the cave.
10. The insect specimens were pinned neatly in rows in the collection box.
11. The art students sketched the plant specimens brought in by the botany class.
12. The research depended on obtaining more specimens for experiments.
13. The geology professor collected rock specimens from the field trip site.
14. The zoology department has thousands of animal specimens in jars.
15. Morphology studies the form and structure of biological specimens.
16. Freeze drying is used to preserve delicate specimens for later study.
17. The botanical garden provided plant specimens for the biology class.
18. The museum donated its collection of butterfly specimens to the university.
19. The veterinarian needed tissue specimens to test for signs of the disease.
20. The mineral specimens display a wide array of colors and crystal structures.
21. The natural history museum houses a massive collection of specimens from around the world.
22. The lab tested multiple specimens to establish a baseline before testing the experimental group.
23. Taxonomists classify and identify biological specimens into hierarchical groups.
24. The class analyzed various insect specimens under microscopes.
25. The graduate student studied the historical context of the ancient artifacts and specimens.
26. The jarred specimens preserved in formaldehyde allowed the students to see internal organs.
27. The researchers analyzed forensic specimens to determine the cause of death.
28. Mounted specimens helped the biology students visualize the 3D structure of organisms.
29. Soil samples and plant specimens were taken from across the forested region.
30. The herpetology collection contains thousands of preserved reptile and amphibian specimens.
31. The abnormally shaped rock specimens were of particular interest to the geologists.
32. The pathologist examined tissue specimens under a microscope.
33. The research lab needed a constant supply of new specimens from donors.
34. The fossil specimens dated back to the late Cretaceous period.
35. Detailed records accompany all insect specimens in the collection.
36. The bottom of the sea yielded some fascinating mineral specimens.
37. The DNA analysis of the hair specimens revealed genetic links between the suspects.
38. The head of the collection feared damage to the vulnerable butterfly specimens.
39. The ornithology exhibit features hundreds of bird specimens from every continent.
40. The science department depends on outside donations of specimens for study.
41. The blood specimens from patients showed abnormal enzyme levels.
42. Entomologists study insect specimens to identify new species.
43. The test specimens failed to meet three of the four acceptance criteria.
44. The museum specimen drawers contained a bewildering array of plant parts in neat rows.
45. The catalog listed every specimen in the herbaria collection with precise details.
46. The medical researchers needed fresh tissue specimens for their experiments.
47. The zoology department relied on donors to provide specimens for courses and research.
48. The botany students carefully labeled and catalogued each plant specimen they collected.
49. The mineral samples and rock specimens were from a wide range of geologic times.
50. The authorities tested clothing and soil specimens from the crime scene.
51. Rare specimens from the far corners of the earth fill the natural history museum.
52. The library housed archives of documents related to the historical artifacts and specimens.
53. The butterfly specimens were pinned in perfect formation in the display case.
54. The anthropology museum houses thousands of artifacts and specimens from ancient cultures.
55. They gathered many useful specimens on the expedition to the Amazon.
56. The science fair display featured photographs and specimens of local flora and fauna.
57. The forensic scientists tested dozens of specimens to build their case.
58. The researchers carefully prepared and mounted the insect specimens.
59. The geology professor's office was filled with interesting rock specimens from around the world.
60. The plant specimens from the Arctic tundra were especially fragile.

Common Phases

specimen collection
The museum has a large specimen collection with thousands of botanical specimens.
specimens for study/research
The scientists needed more specimens for their study of the rare mushroom.
specimen preservation
Proper specimen preservation is essential to maintain the quality of biological specimens.
provide specimens
The donors provided many valuable specimens to the researchers.
preserve specimens
The researchers used formaldehyde to preserve the specimens long term.
collect specimens
The researchers traveled across the desert to collect mineral specimens.
label specimens
The biology class carefully labeled every plant specimen they studied.
store specimens
The zoology lab stored the reptile specimens in ethanol.
examine specimens
The pathologists closely examined the tissue specimens under a microscope.
analyze specimens
The scientists analyzed the soil specimens to determine contamination levels.
classify specimens
The taxonomists worked to properly classify the newly collected insect specimens.
identify specimens
The botanists worked to conclusively identify the orchid specimens.
mount specimens
The scientists mounted many of the insect specimens for display and study.
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