Speedy example sentences
Related (7): Quick, swift, fast, rapid, hasty, prompt, expeditious.
"Speedy" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The dog has speedy paws that allow him to run quickly.
2. The tortoise had a speedy head start but the hare was able to catch up in record time.
3. My father prefers speedy sports cars over sedate sedans.
4. The athlete finished the race in a speedy time of under two minutes.
5. We need a speedy resolution to the dispute before emotions escalate further.
6.After the tornado struck, speedy restoration of power was essential.
7. The police administered a speedy response after receiving the emergency call.
8. The medical team performed a speedy surgery to save the patient's life.
9. I am impressed by the internet company's speedy repairs after the recent outage.
10. Speedy delivery of critical supplies is paramount in emergency situations.
11. The factory produces its goods with speedy efficiency.
12. Our startup aims for speedy innovation without sacrificing quality.
13. The waiter brought our check in a speedy manner so we could get on our way.
14. Gordon set a new speedy record for completing the obstacle course.
15. Speedy roadrunners can sprint up to 20 miles per hour.
16. The checkout line moved at a speedy pace thanks to the several open registers.
17. I appreciate the office's speedy response to my email inquiry.
18. He gulped down his lunch in a speedy fashion so he could get back to work.
19. The robin nests have speedy fledglings that fill the garden with their cheeping.
20. The restaurant staff delivered our meal with speedy diligence.
21. Her speedy handwriting allowed her to finish the timed test early.
22. The employees want a speedy resolution to their grievances with management.
23. The clinic provides speedy immunizations to prevent the spread of illnesses.
24. The delivery service aims for a speedy turnaround time for all their clients.
25. I appreciate the efficient and speedy service I receive from that office.
26. His speedy recovery surprised all the doctors.
27. The IT team restored our network functions in a speedy manner.
28. The younger athletes completed the race in a more speedy fashion than the veterans.
29. Thanks to speedy advancements in medical technology, the surgery went perfectly.
30. The repairman performed a speedy fix to get our AC up and running again.
31. I need a speedy loan approval to complete the down payment on the house.
32. The mice have speedy movements that allow them to dodge predators.
33. After the crash, speedy response from emergency services was critical.
34. The newborn chick demonstrated speedy growth within its first few weeks.
35. I appreciate the clerk's speedy attention after I asked for assistance.
36. I'm hoping for a speedy resolution to the bureaucratic issue.
37. The kangaroo has speedy legs that allow it to jump long distances.
38. The boardroom meeting proceeded at a speedy yet productive pace.
39. The company promised speedy compensation after the data breach.
40. After several cups of coffee, my typing speed increased in a speedy fashion.
41. The athlete had a speedy burst of energy at the end of the marathon.
42.Speedy access to medical care is essential to saving lives during tragedies.
43. Our new internet router provides a speedy connection for our entire household.
44. Our rescue dog has speedy paws that make her hard to catch during playtime.
45. The ambulance arrived with speedy haste to tend to the injured patient.
46. The chipmunk has speedy reflexes that help it avoid predators.
47. Speedy evacuation procedures were critical during the volcano eruption.
48. I appreciate the concierge's speedy assistance in booking my restaurant reservations.
49. Speedy advance warning systems are critical to saving lives during natural disasters.
50. The teen has speedy hands that allow him to type quickly on his phone.
51. SpeedyHelp.com aims to provide speedy IT solutions for small businesses.
52. The startle reflex allowed the mouse to make a speedy escape from the cat.
53.Speedy communication between teams is essential for productive collaboration.
54. The athlete made a speedy recovery thanks to a diligent physical therapy regimen.
55. The construction crew promised a speedy completion of the renovation project.
56. Speedy growth in children is sometimes indicative of good health.
57. Speedy printing and duplicating services are offered at the copy shop.
58. My laptop provides speedy internet access wherever I go.
59. The volunteers administered speedy aid to the victims after the earthquake.
60. The rabbit has speedy hind legs that allow it to flee from predators.