Spume example sentences
Related (5): foam, froth, spray, lather, fizz
"Spume" Example Sentences
1. The waves crashed against the rocks, sending up spray and spume.
2. We watched the spume blown off the tops of the waves as the storm raged.
3. The ship cut through the towering waves, its prow throwing up spume on either side.
4. The horse snorted, shaking its mane and spraying spume from its nostrils.
5. Windblown spume stung my face as I stood on the cliff overlooking the sea.
6. The white spume topped the dark waves as they rolled relentlessly toward shore.
7. Spume frothed and swirled around the rocks as the waves beat against them.
8. The whale spouted a column of spray and spume as it surfaced to breathe.
9. The waves crashed against the headland, sending spume high into the air.
10. The paddlewheel moved steadily through the black water, throwing up plumes of white spume.
11. The spume crashed down around me, soaking my clothes.
12. The heads of the horses were covered with foamy spume from their run.
13. The riptide threw the surfer onto the jagged rocks, spraying stinging spume into his eyes.
14. Sea spray and spume soaked our blankets as we lay on the beach.
15. The great beast exhaled twin jets of steam and spume as it charged.
16. She ducked as a column of spray and spume rose from a breaking wave.
17. The pounding surf threw up columns of spray and spume that glittered in the sunlight.
18. The harbor mouth was a roaring cauldron of swirling spume and spray.
19. The icy wind carried the fine spume of the breaking waves.
20. The pegasus whinnied and tossed its mane, showering the spectators with silvery spume.
21. The rowing boats tossed on the choppy water, their oars kicking up spume.
22. The waves rose and crashed over the rocks, scattering spume in all directions.
23. We rode along the beach, the manes and tails of our horses becoming soaked with spume.
24. The galloping horses left great spume-covered hoof prints in the moist earth.
25. She shielded her eyes against the stinging spume kicked up by the paddlewheel.
26. Great jets of steam and spume shot from the chimneys of the passing train.
27. The breaking waves threw curtains of spume high into the air.
28. The carriage horses tossed their manes and sprayed spume on the passengers.
29. The white dorsal fins cut through the waves, sending up plumes of spume.
30. The crashing waves threw up columns of spray and spume that glistened in the sunlight.
31. The steam engine let off a loud hiss of steam and spurted spume from its stack.
32. Spume swirled around their feet as they walked along the edge of the surf.
33. The bounding horses splashed through puddles, sending up sheets of spume.
34. We trudged through the thick, wet spume left behind by the receding tide.
35. The ship hove to, plowing through the waves and throwing up great sheets of spume.
36. The horses stomped and snorted, showering the onlookers with clouds of spume.
37. The chariots thundered across the racetrack, wheels spinning up spume.
38. The pegasus whinnied, shaking its mane and spraying spume from its nostrils.
39. The headland was hidden in a thick curtain of spray and spume.
40. The graydon exploded from the water, jaws wide and catching spume in its teeth.
41. The dragon beat its enormous wings, sending gusts of wind and spume across the valley.
42. Large waves broke against the hull, sending up curtains of spray and spume.
43. The dolphin leapt from the water in a great arch, coating itself in shimmering spume.
44. The seaspray blew in on the wind, carrying with it a fine mist of spume.
45. The ship pitched and rolled, its sails flapping in the wind and rain while spume rolled across its deck.
46. The surfers rode the breaking waves, ducking beneath curtains of spray and spume.
47. The hurricane wind blew in off the sea, driving sheets of spray and stinging spume before it.
48. Columns of spray and spume rose from the spouting blowhole.
49. The bucking rodeo horse kicked up its hind legs, spraying the crowd with clods of earth and spume.
50. Fine spume blew across the deck in the chill predawn wind.
51. Spume kicked up by the paddlewheel showered the passengers waiting on the dock.
52. They rode through the storm, bent low against the driving wind and stinging spume.
53. The crashing surf threw up great curtains of spray and spume that dotted the beach with sparkling diamonds.
54. The towering wave rose up before us, cresting in an explosion of spray and spume that drenched us to the bone.
55. The unicorn reared up on its hind legs, silver mane rippling as it snorted plumes of golden spume.
56. She inhaled the fresh tang of the sea carried on the wind, mixed with the fine spume from the waves below.
57. The paddles of the riverboat knifed through the water, throwing up great plumes of white spume on either side.
58. The german shepherd shook itself off, spraying spume and flecking of mud in every direction.
59. The Arabian mare reared and whinnied, tossing her head and spraying the onlookers with spume from her nostrils.
60. The waterspout towered into the sky, its base churning up great curtains of spray and spume from the sea.
Common Phases
1. The waves crashed against the rocks, sending up spray and spume.
2. The tempest tossed the ship back and forth, waves foaming with spume.
3. The boat cut through the tumultuous water, its prow parting the spume.
4. The surf was high, with whitecaps and spume washing over the beach.
5. The maniacal sea spewed foam and spume in every direction.
6. The storm sent towering waves smashing onto the cliffs, sending up plumes of spume.
7. The sea was rough, hissing and spitting spume from its chaotic depths.
8. The surfer rode the giant waves, dodging their crests of spume and foam.
9. The gray ocean churned in anger, blowing spume high into the air.
10. The sailing yacht entered the cove cautiously, avoiding the rocks and spume.
11. The sea stack stood defiantly against the barrage of waves crashing over it, spume flying.
12. Giant waves crashed onto the rocks with explosive force, sending columns of spume and spray skyward.
13. Spume from the breaking waves soaked the cliffside.
14. The paddleboarder navigated through the spume and choppy conditions toward shore.
15. Spume from crashing waves sprayed those watching from the cliff.
16. The ship heaved as the angry sea tossed it about, her decks awash with spume.
17. The angry white surf churned up spume and tossed it high onto the sandy beach.
18. The children played in the spume along the shoreline, happily soaking in the salty spray.
19. Spume covered the boulders along the shore after a long storm at sea.
20. The fisherman clung desperately to his sinking rowboat as waves crashed over him, drenching him in spume.
21. The water tower stood solemnly as breakers crashed into the rocks beneath it, sending up huge gouts of spume.
22. They sailed directly into the path of the storm, wind and spume whipping around them.
23. The Vikings' longboat cut through the North Sea waves, its prow parting the spume and foam thrown up by the sea.
24. Spume rained down from breaking waves at the base of the steep cliffs.
25. The lighthouse stood tall against the crashing waves, its foundation surrounded by spume and foam.
26. Whipping winds tossed the boat violently, showering the passengers in spume and saltwater spray.
27. The astronauts watched in awe as waves crashed into the coast, sending massive columns of spume into the air.
28. Spume and choppy whitecaps made conditions difficult for the fishermen heading out to sea.
29. The damaged ferry limped into harbor, its decks covered in spume and foam from the turbulent sea.
30. Spume flew from the waves as they crashed onto the rocky seashore.
31. Crests of spume marked the path of breaking waves along the reef.
32. Heavy spume flew from the curling waves, obscuring vision as the boat approached shore.
33. The curving breakwall guided the turbulent surf into the harbor, spume flying off the tops of crashing waves.
34. The tropical storm sent monstrous waves smashing into the beach, sending sheets of spume flying into the air.
35. The waves built and built until they finally broke in explosive fury, hurling spume and foam across the beach.
36. Spume covered most of the lagoon after the night's tropical storm.
37. The waves beat violently at the cliff base, eroding it with spray and spume.
38. The man stared wistfully out at sea, misty-eyed but smiling as spume blanketed him and the rolling sea churned endlessly.
39. Jets of spume flew high into the air as waves crashed against the rock walls of the fjord.
40. Spume quickly coated the surface of the normally calm lake after the first wave hit.
41. Columns of spume marked the locations of breaking waves as the storm moved closer to shore.
42. Leaning precariously, the sinking ship belched spume and smoke as fires raged within.
43. The large ship cut through the heavy swells, the swells' spume washing over the decks.
44. The tour boat rode lightly atop the waves, making a detour to watch spouting whales breach and sending up spumes of misty spray.
45. Gusts of wind whipped the ocean into froth, sending up curtains of spume along the shore.
46. The beaches were battered by towering waves that hurled roiling spume at the shore.
47. The pier was pelted with stinging spume as waves crashed against the pylons.
48. The surfer emerged from the massive spume-filled tube with a victorious whoop.
49. With a snort and spray of spume, the whale surfaced briefly before sounding once more.
50. Spume from the waves being scattered into the air looks like a veil of mist.
51. The adventurous kayaker paddled headlong into the spray and spume of the breaking surf.
52. The stricken ferry rode low in the water, leaking fuel and trailing spume and smoke.
53. Waves crashed violently against the seawall, showering pedestrians with spume.
54. They watched in amazement as the whales rolled and spouted, sending up curtains of spume into the air.
55. Spume from the gigantic wave engulfed the tiny surfer as it crashed down on the beach.
56. Spume exploded upwards as huge chunks of ice fell from the melting glacier into the frigid water.
57. The lighthouse keeper's clothes were forever dampened by the spume from the relentless surf.
58. Spume and spray enveloped the boat as it cut through the raging storm surge.
59. The waves hurled themselves at the cliff face, exploding into spume and foam.
60. The Coast Guard ship navigated the choppy waters, its bow cleaving through the spume.