"Squandered" Example Sentences
1. He squandered his inheritance on gambling and partying.
2. Many opportunities were squandered due to laziness and a lack of ambition.
3. The company squandered its early lead in the market through poor management.
4. The politician squandered his chance at re-election through a series of scandals.
5. Their marriage slowly fell apart as he squandered their savings on useless purchases.
6. Most of her youth was squandered living a life of addiction and petty crime.
7. The country squandered its large oil wealth through corruption and mismanagement.
8. The student squandered his time in college partying instead of studying.
9. Her talent was squandered due to a lack of proper training and opportunities.
10. His potential was squandered due to a lack of discipline and focus.
11. The downturn in the economy squandered many people's retirement savings.
12. The treasure hunters squandered years searching for a legendary hoard that did not exist.
13. Many friendships were squandered due to a lack of effort and absenteeism.
14. The actor squandered his youthful good looks by abusing drugs and alcohol.
15. The executive squandered the company's investment by putting it into an unproven project.
16. The family squandered generations of good will through unethical business practices.
17. Their marriage was squandered due to neglect, workaholism and infidelity.
18. His life was slowly squandered through substance abuse and bad influences.
19. The professor squandered his reputation through plagiarism and deception.
20. The investor squandered millions through high-risk bets and get-rich-quick schemes.
21. The household squandered resources through excessive spending and wasteful habits.
22. They squandered their prime years working dead-end jobs to make ends meet.
23. The administration squandered public trust through a series of political scandals.
24. Many opportunities for growth were squandered through unhealthy lifestyle choices.
25. His innocence and joie de vivre were soon squandered through disappointment and hardship.
26. Their good name was squandered through unethical business practices and scandals.
27. The coach squandered the team's talent through poor strategies and incompetence.
28. The vacation days were squandered lounging around the hotel instead of sightseeing.
29. The contract was squandered through a failure to read the fine print.
30. The business partners squandered their friendship through disputes and greed.
31. His golden years were squandered working at a job he hated to make ends meet.
32. His rightful inheritance was squandered on lavish gifts for his new wife.
33. The lawyer squandered his client's case through lack of preparation and research.
34. Most of the grant money was squandered on unnecessary expenses and wasteful projects.
35. The divorce squandered decades of shared experiences and compromises.
36. The resources of the planet are being squandered through greed and overconsumption.
37. Their children's adolescence was squandered worrying about bills and making ends meet.
38. The athlete squandered her career through doping and dishonesty.
39. The couple squandered their once passionate love through indifference and distraction.
40. Many work opportunities were squandered due to a lack of interview preparation.
41. His youthful idealism was quickly squandered by the harsh realities of adult life.
42. The bookstore squandered its loyal customer base through poor business practices.
43. The candidate squandered the election through offensive remarks and scandals.
44. The revolutionaries squandered their cause through infighting and power grabs.
45. The opportunity to travel the world was squandered due to crippling anxiety and depression.
46. Their health was squandered through years of poor diet and lack of exercise.
47. The scholarship was squandered on partying instead of studying.
48. Many hours were squandered browsing the Internet instead of being productive.
49. The negotiator squandered a good deal through arrogance and demanding too much.
50. The crisis forced many people to realize how they had squandered their lives so far.
51. The company squandered customers' trust through ethical breaches and security leaks.
52. His happiness was slowly squandered through isolation and bitterness.
53. Her chances at fulfillment were squandered through sacrificing her needs for others.
54. The budget surplus was squandered on unnecessary projects and tax cuts for the rich.
55. The magazine squandered its credibility through publishing biased and inaccurate articles.
56. The opportunity at love was squandered due to anxiety and self-doubt.
57. Their first home was squandered due to poor planning and money management.
58. Most of the research grant was squandered on unproductive and poorly run studies.
59. The job opportunity was squandered through a failure to show motivation and interest.
60. His youth was squandered through lack of discipline, direction and hard work.
Common Phases
1. He
squandered his inheritance on gambling and partying.
2. They
squandered a three goal lead in the final minutes of the match.
3. Don't squander the opportunity you've been given. Make the most of it.
4. The company
squandered the resources it had been given.
5. Their financial success had been
squandered on extravagant purchases.
6. She
squandered her youth chasing after material pleasures.
7. The politician
squandered years of goodwill due to his rude behavior.
8. The political movement
squandered all momentum by being disorganized.
9. They
squandered hours arguing over petty issues.
10. All their hard work was
squandered due to poor planning.
11. The organization
squandered millions in donations due to corruption and mismanagement.
12. The effort
squandered on this project could have been used more productively elsewhere.
13. Years of progress were
squandered due to lack of clear leadership.
14. He
squandered his talents through lack of focus and discipline.
15. Don't squander your health and wellbeing chasing after money and status.
16. I
squandered so much time worrying about things I couldn't control.
17. Her potential was
squandered through years of self-doubt and fear.
18. The boxer
squandered his career through substance abuse and injuries.
19. The coalition
squandered its political capital through indecisive leadership.
20. She
squandered years seeking approval from those who didn't matter.
21. The government has
squandered tons of money through wasteful spending.
22. His brilliance was
squandered by his inability to focus.
23. They
squandered years of research due to poor documentation and planning.
24. The business opportunity was
squandered through lack of initiative.
25. Those years were
squandered pursuing fleeting pleasures and distractions.
26. Don't squander today worrying about tomorrow.
27. His genius was
squandered on trivial pursuits with no meaning.
28. The team
squandered a huge advantage through poor decision-making.
29. The academic
squandered his credibility through sloppy research.
30. Her time had been
squandered on meaningless gossip and small talk.
31. The alliance was nearly
squandered through mistrust and miscommunication.
32. His rebellious youth nearly
squandered his footballing potential.
33. Their funds had been
squandered through embezzlement and fraud.
34. The band almost
squandered their opportunity by refusing to compromise.
35. The resources at your disposal must not be
squandered. Use them wisely.
36. They
squandered years trying to please people who never cared.
37. Stop squandering your life chasing after lies and illusions.
38. My youth was
squandered chasing all the wrong things.
39. His wealth was
squandered on superficial status symbols and fleeting pleasures.
40. Don't squander time you could spend with loved ones.
41. Years were
squandered pursuing the wrong career path.
42. Their gift was nearly
squandered due to lack of nurturing.
43. The prize has been
squandered by years of neglect.
44. Don't squander this opportunity through inaction and fear.
45. Her talents were nearly
squandered due to lack of support.
46. The lead was
squandered due to numerous penalties and mistakes.
47. Their support was nearly
squandered through neglect and dismissiveness.
48. The lawyer
squandered his reputation through unethical behavior.
49. The country has
squandered tremendous wealth through corruption and maladministration.
50. The philanthropist
squandered the opportunity to make a real difference.
51. Stop squandering your life. Live fully in each moment.
52. We
squandered so much time comparing ourselves to others.
53. Her good fortune was
squandered through ill-advised decisions.
54. The prize is being
squandered through carelessness and neglect.
55. His potential was nearly
squandered through lack of discipline.
56. Her dreams were
squandered by years of doubt and hesitation.
57. Let's not squander this precious opportunity through inaction.
58. The company
squandered the goodwill it had built up over years.
59. Her generosity had been
squandered on those who took advantage.
60. Don't squander today worrying about tomorrow. Live fully now.