Stage example sentences

Related (25): performance, theater, show, concert, production, event, act, drama, presentation, spectacle, recital, play, rehearsal, gig, exhibition, runway, platform, lecture, seminar, panel, forum, symposium, conference, ceremony, graduation

"Stage" Example Sentences

1. The play is at the final stage of rehearsal.
2. The disease has now reached an advanced stage.
3. She is at the initial stage of pregnancy.
4. They are staging a protest to demand higher wages.
5. The plan has reached a critical stage.
6. The project is in an early stage of development.
7. Cancer that is diagnosed at an early stage has a better chance of survival.
8. She walked across the stage to accept her award.
9. They staged an elaborate musical production for the school show.
10. The rocket is now in the launch stage.
11. He took to the stage and began his speech.
12. They staged a sit-in at the university entrance.
13. The band took the stage and began playing.
14. The construction is in the final stages.
15. The plan is still at the discussion stage.
16. She exited the stage to a standing ovation.
17. The conflict appears to have entered a dangerous new stage.
18. We are staging an intervention for his alcohol addiction.
19. The experiment is still at an early research stage.
20. The remodeling is in the initial stages.
21. They staged an all-out strike to pressure management.
22. The treaty is now in the ratification stage.
23. The project is still at the planning stage.
24. The cancer had already spread to the later stages.
25. The disease seems to have entered a latent stage.
26. They staged the bank robbery in broad daylight.
27. The product launch is in the final stages of preparation.
28. The volcano is at the dormant stage.
29. The raid was staged as a diversionary tactic.
30. The treatment is administered in three stages.
31. The technology has reached a transitional stage.
32. She walked onto the stage to begin her performance.
33. The disaster relief efforts are now in full swing.
34. The plans are still at the conceptual stage.
35. We're staging a mock evacuation drill tomorrow.
36. The conflict now appears to have entered an alarming stage.
37. The candidates took to the stage for the debate.
38. The performing arts center has three stages.
39. The stage was set for the graduation ceremony.
40. We are preparing to stage a massive protest march.
41. Construction is now in the final stages.
42. The space shuttle launched from the launch pad stage.
43. They staged a mock emergency drill at the plant.
44. The political situation has reached a critical stage.
45. The investigation had reached a dead-end stage.
46. The process takes place in several stages.
47. The Democratic candidates took to the stage for the debate.
48. The hormone levels go through different stages.
49. The surgery took place in three stages.
50. The plan is still at a nascent stage.
51. The treatment moved from one stage to the next.
52. The plan is at an embryonic stage.
53. He exited the stage to thunderous applause.
54. The project is still in the initial stages.
55. We staged a massive candlelight vigil to raise awareness.
56. The disease had reached its terminal stage.
57. The election results have now reached the official declaration stage.
58. The rocket lifted off from the launch pad stage.
59. They staged an elaborate fake accident as an insurance scam.
60. The conflict now seems to have entered a crucial stage.

Common Phases

1. At an early stage
2. At the planning stage
3. Go on stage
4. In the initial stages
5. Reach a crisis stage
6. Reach a critical stage
7. Set the stage for something
8. Stage a protest
9. Stage a raid
10. Take to the stage

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