Stages example sentences

Related (5): Infancy, toddlerhood, preschool, adolescence, adulthood

"Stages" Example Sentences

1. The project has several stages from planning to implementation.
2. The company goes through multiple stages of review before launching a new product.
3. The process occurs in a sequence of stages over time.
4. The construction will proceed in three main stages.
5. The experiment progressed through various stages from hypothesis to conclusion.
6. There are five key stages in the product development cycle.
7. The movie traces the band's rise through various stages of fame and success.
8. There are several stages of approval up the management chain.
9. The software has four stages of testing before release.
10. The design went through multiple iterations and stages of refinement.
11. The virus targets different cells at different stages of infection.
12. The disease progresses through early, middle, and late stages.
13. The project passed through various review stages before sign-off.
14. Development occurs in distinct stages during childhood and adolescence.
15. The remodeling will take place in 3 stages over the next year.
16. The company outlined the next three strategic stages of growth.
17. The product goes through various testing and inspection stages before shipping.
18. The plans progress from conceptual stages to final blueprints.
19. The company has an internship program offering different stages of responsibility.
20. The program helps students prepare in stages for college entrance.
21. The three stages of labor and delivery must progress normally for a safe birth.
22. The initiative is currently in early stages.
23. The political campaign progressed through various stages from fundraising to get-out-the-vote efforts.
24. The cure worked at different stages of the disease.
25. The launch sequence occurs in multiple stages over several minutes.
26. The speech goes through several stages from outline to delivery.
27. The business went through multiple growth stages from startup to international expansion.
28. The experiment progresses through various stages, each testing a different hypothesis.
29. The model went through numerous stages from sketch to final prototype.
30. The treatment plan involves multiple stages and therapies.
31. The plan moved through several approval stages before getting the green light.
32. The machine operates in five stages to complete the manufacturing process.
33. The software development lifecycle involves different stages such as requirements, design, implementation and testing.
34. The software progresses through alpha, beta and release candidate stages before general availability.
35. The proposal went through several revisions and review stages before approval.
36. The investment fund focuses on early and growth stages of tech startups.
37. We're currently in the conceptual stages of developing this new product.
38. The strategy progresses through assessment, planning, implementation and review stages.
39. The crisis response protocol involves multiple stages from initial reaction to long-term recovery.
40. The circuit passes through amplification, clipping and output stages.
41. The essay went through stages of brainstorming, outlining, writing and editing.
42. The conflict escalated through various stages over many years.
43. The visa process involves several stages from application to approval.
44. The therapeutic process occurs in stages of self-discovery and behavioral change.
45. The political movement progressed through early stages of protest and later stages of negotiation.
46. The government program aims to help businesses at all stages of growth.
47. The stages of mitosis divide the nucleus and share chromosomes between daughter cells.
48. The rocket launch occurs in distinct stages involving different engines and fuel mixtures.
49. The design underwent multiple stages of prototyping and user testing.
50. The training program progresses new hires through various stages of responsibility.
51. The stages of cellular respiration break down glucose to release energy.
52. The product line includes options at various stages of assembly.
53. The flower goes through multiple stages from bud to bloom to wilting.
54. The life cycle traces human development through prenatal stages to adulthood.
55. The scandal progressed through various stages from cover-up to official inquiry.
56. The company focuses on helping startups at the seed and early stages.
57. The journey occurred in various stages across land and sea.
58. The embryo progresses through distinct stages of development from fertilization to birth.
59. The process involves several stages of refinement from rough prototype to finished product.
60. The recipe progresses in distinct stages from preparation to baking to cooling.

Common Phases

1. The rocket launch goes through several stages before it reaches orbit.
2. The project needs to proceed in stages so we don't get overwhelmed.
3. The cancer has spread to multiple stages within her body.
4. She went through several stages of grief after his passing.
5. The seed underwent various stages of germination before sprouting.
6. Stages of change is an important concept in addiction treatment.
7. Plant growth happens in distinct stages from sprouting to maturation.
8. The grieving process happens in stages and takes time.
9. The project is being implemented in three stages over the next year.
10. Their relationship progressed slowly through several stages.
11. Economic development typically happens in stages over time.
12. The startup went through several growth stages before finding product-market fit.
13. Developmental milestones are stages children reach as they grow.
14. The bird nested, hatched eggs, and fledged its young in successive stages.
15. The compound undergoes several reaction stages before the final product forms.
16. Civilization has progressed through various stages throughout history.
17. The recipe calls for combining ingredients in separate stages.
18. Construction projects often involve different stages like planning, foundation laying, and roofing.
19. The patient is at an advanced stage of the disease with few treatment options left.
20. Hurricanes go through stages of development before reaching land.
21. Flowers develop through different stages from bud to bloom.
22. The government has unveiled a multi-stage plan to address the problem.
23. The story has distinct characters and plot stages within the arc.
24. The coach broke down the play into separate steps and stages for the team.
25. The author carefully crafted the novel in five stages over 10 years.
26. Students learn concepts in stages tailored to their cognitive abilities.
27. The metamorphic rock went through various stages of change over millions of years.
28. The massive storm surge hit in three distinct stages over 12 hours.
29. The athlete's performance levels progressed through different stages as they trained.
30. The team delivered the project in four staggered stages to align with client needs.
31. The plan went through several revisions and redrafting stages before final approval.
32. The entertainment program had different performance stages for audience variety.
33. The startup raised funding in three stages as they achieved various product milestones.
34. The cells go through various division stages before separating.
35. The enzymes acted on the substrate in a stepwise staged process.
36. The launch vehicle separated into multiple stages during ascent.
37. The fruit ripened and changed color through different maturity stages.
38. The roadshow highlighted the product in various stages of development.
39. The theater provided changing stages for different scenes and settings.
40. The policy went through several stages of public consultation before implementation.
41. The training program consisted of four separate modules or stages.
42. The patient's symptoms progressed through various recognizable stages.
43. Stages of sleep include light, deep, and REM sleep cycles.
44. The recipe will take two hours and three stages to complete.
45. The economy passed through boom, bust, and recovery stages last year.
46. Psychological development happens in stages that follow universal patterns.
47. The equipment moved between various workstations in different assembly stages.
48. The tournament had regional qualifying stages before the national finals.
49. The firm acquired several companies in growth stages to enhance capabilities.
50. The product went through extensive field testing in several stages.
51. The detector registered signals in different stages indicating a progression.
52. We took multiple virtual tours of the property at different development stages.
53. The application process has 3 stages before final job offers are extended.
54. The road to becoming a master happens in incremental stages over decades.
55. The device uses several internal components that operate in staged cycles.
56. The moon goes through various lunar phases in cyclical stages.
57. The recipe progressed in several stages with increasing heat levels.
58. Stages of cellular respiration include glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport.
59. The project had several phase-gates or stage-gates to track progress.
60. The speaker outlined 3 stages of her work and life over the last 10 years.

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