Steer example sentences
Related (10): rudder, guide, control, maneuver, direct, pilot, navigate, lead, drive, operate
"Steer" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The cowboy skillfully steered his horse through the crowded rodeo arena.
2. Please steer clear of that broken glass on the sidewalk.
3. I steered the conversation in a more positive direction.
4. The driver tried to steer the bus around the large pothole in the road.
5. She steered the ship through the dangerous rocky channel.
6. The pilot steered the helicopter through the mountain pass.
7. I tried to steer my toddler away from touching the hot stove.
8. The instructor steered the raft down the swift flowing river.
9. The surgeon steered the endoscope through the patient's blood vessels.
10. He steered the discussion back to the main topic.
11. My parents tried to steer me toward more practical career choices.
12. The captain skillfully steered the ship through the storm.
13. I steered clear of Jake after he angered the boss.
14. The driver steered the car around the stalled vehicle on the highway.
15. The lifeguard steered the rescue boat toward the distressed swimmer.
16. The politician tried to steer the focus toward the economy and jobs.
17. My wife steers our children away from unhealthy habits.
18. I steered him away from blaming others for his problems.
19. The instructor tried to steer us toward more advanced topics.
20. I steered the conversation back to the topic at hand.
21. My grandparents tried to steer me toward more traditional career choices.
22. He steered the skateboard around obstacles in his path.
23. The park ranger steered tourists toward safe hiking trails.
24. The coach tried to steer his players away from unsportsmanlike conduct.
25. The expert panel tried to steer the discussion toward solutions.
26. The detective tried to steer the suspect toward confessing the crime.
27. They steered the hovercraft away from the hard-to-navigate area.
28. The coach tried to steer his players towardteamwork and sportsmanship.
29. The sergeant steered the new recruits through basic training.
30. The lifeguards steered swimmers away from the dangerous current.
31. The manager tried to steer employees toward a more positive attitude.
32. Her adviser tried to steer her toward more useful courses.
33. The script called for me to steer the conversation in a lighter direction.
34. She tried to steer clear of office gossip and drama.
35. The pilot steered the plane through the dangerous weather conditions.
36. The instructor tried to steer students toward higher achievement.
37. The gardener tried to steer the ivy vines away from the house.
38. My mentor tried to steer me toward more worthwhile endeavors.
39. The babysitter tried to steer the toddler away from dangerous objects.
40. The harbor pilot skillfully steered the massive cargo ship into port.
41. The teacher tried to steer students away from destructive behaviors.
42. I steered clear of that restaurant after hearing reports of food poisoning.
43. She tried to steer her young daughter toward creative hobbies.
44. The coach steered his players away from blaming the refs for losses.
45. They tried to steer funding toward more worthwhile research.
46. Please steer clear of that argument - it never ends well.
47. The CEO tried to steer the company toward more sustainable practices.
48. The meteorologist tried to steer people away from the dangerous storm.
49. The captain skillfully steered the yacht through the crowded marina.
50. We tried to steer the troubled youth toward more constructive activities.
51. The entrepreneur tried to steer investors toward his top ideas.
52. She tried to steer me away from gossip and rumors.
53. I tried to steer him toward more constructive uses of his time.
54. The instructor steered the class discussion toward a deeper understanding.
55. The software tries to steer users toward purchasing a premium upgrade.
56. The expert panel tried to steer the report toward recommendations.
57. The director tried to steer the film toward a more positive message.
58. The expert steered me toward the most helpful resources for my project.
59. The police officer tried to steer the teenagers away from breaking curfew.
60. My parents tried to steer me toward practical skills and knowledge.