Steeringmy example sentences

Related (10): steering, my, direction, control, navigation, guidance, maneuvering, course, rudder, helm.

"Steeringmy" Example Sentences

1. I was steering my car through the busy intersection.
2. The captain was steering my ship into the storm.
3. He was always steering my conversations towards his own interests.
4. I could feel the wind steering my bike off course.
5. The instructor was steering my surfing lesson from the shore.
6. The race car driver was expertly steering my car around the track.
7. I was so focused on steering my kayak that I didn't notice the scenic view around me.
8. The farmer was steering my horse-drawn carriage through the fields.
9. The astronaut was carefully steering my spacecraft towards the space station.
10. I was steering my lawnmower up and down the bumpy terrain.
11. The pilot was skillfully steering my plane through the turbulent weather.
12. I was afraid to try steering my friend's sailboat for the first time.
13. The diver was steering my underwater adventure to explore the coral reef.
14. I was steering my remote-controlled car through the obstacle course.
15. The tour guide was steering my group through the ancient ruins of Pompeii.
16. I was steering my dog away from the forbidden treats on the kitchen counter.
17. The coach was guiding me in steering my rowing team towards victory.
18. The cyclist was struggling to steer my bike through the sandy terrain.
19. I was steering my electric scooter down the busy city sidewalks.
20. The engineer was carefully steering my robot through the complex maze.
21. I was steering my snowmobile through the rugged terrain of the mountains.
22. The instructor was teaching me how to properly steer my motorboat.
23. I was struggling to steer my giant hot air balloon through the gusty winds.
24. The jockey was expertly steering my horse to the finish line.
25. I was steering my remote-controlled drone through the narrow alleyways.
26. The driver was carefully steering my golf cart through the scenic course.
27. I was steering my unicycle down the steep hill with trepidation.
28. The coach was instructing me on how to best steer my horseback archery.
29. I was steering my hoverboard with ease through the bustling city streets.
30. The guide was steering my group through the dense jungle towards the hidden waterfall.

Common Phases

1. Steering my car around the bend;
2. Steering my way through the crowded street;
3. Steering my thoughts to a more positive place;
4. Steering my career towards success;
5. Steering my boat across the lake;
6. Steering my team towards victory;
7. Steering my life in a new direction;
8. Steering my emotions to a place of calm;
9. Steering my conversation towards a different topic;
10. Steering my bike around the potholes.

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