Stickinessn example sentences

Related (11): adhesion, viscosity, glueiness, tenacity, cohesiveness, clinginess, gumminess, tackiness, adhesiveness, cling, attachment

"Stickinessn" Example Sentences

1. The stickiness of the glue made it difficult to separate the pages.
2. The stickiness of the honey attracts ants.
3. The stickiness of the tape helped secure the package.
4. The stickiness of the candy made it hard to chew.
5. The stickiness of the frosting made the cake look more appealing.
6. The stickiness of the mud made it hard to walk through.
7. The stickiness of the sap caused the leaves to stick together.
8. The stickiness of the label left a residue on the jar.
9. The stickiness of the floor caused people to slip and fall.
10. The stickiness of the bubble gum made it fun to chew.
11. The stickiness of the bandage kept it in place on the wound.
12. The stickiness of the paint caused it to cling to the brush.
13. The stickiness of the tape caused it to tear when removing it.
14. The stickiness of the resin made it ideal for bonding materials.
15. The stickiness of the jelly made it a popular spread for toast.
16. The stickiness of the slime made it a popular toy for kids.
17. The stickiness of the cheese made it difficult to cut.
18. The stickiness of the tape made it easy to wrap gifts.
19. The stickiness of the glue helped repair the broken vase.
20. The stickiness of the syrup made pancakes more delicious.
21. The stickiness of the clay made it easy to mold into shapes.
22. The stickiness of the candy wrapper made it difficult to open.
23. The stickiness of the fruit made it ripe and juicy.
24. The stickiness of the pen ink caused smudging on the paper.
25. The stickiness of the rubber made it ideal for gripping objects.
26. The stickiness of the cobweb made it a nuisance to clean up.
27. The stickiness of the glue gun helped with DIY projects.
28. The stickiness of the adhesive made the stickers difficult to remove.
29. The stickiness of the gunk prevented the drain from functioning properly.
30. The stickiness of the mud caused dirty clothes and shoes.

Common Phases

1. The stickiness of the glue surprised me; it held the pieces together tightly.
2. The stickiness of the pastry caused it to stay glued to the plate.
3. The stickiness of the tape made it easy to wrap around the package.
4. The stickiness of the honey made it difficult to get off my hands.
5. The stickiness of the gum caused it to become tangled in my hair.
6. The stickiness of the snow made it challenging to walk through.
7. The stickiness of the mud clung to my shoes as I walked.
8. The stickiness of the sticker made it hard to peel off the paper.
9. The stickiness of the paint caused it to drip down the wall.
10. The stickiness of the bandage kept it in place over the cut.

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