Straddle example sentences

Related (1): straddle-legged

"Straddle" Example Sentences

1. The twin towers straddled either side of the avenue.
2. The city straddles the river that divides the two states.
3. The state line straddles the main street of the small town.
4. The building straddles two plots of land.
5. The motorway straddles the mountain range.
6. The fence straddles the property line.
7. The bridge straddles the gorge.
8. The athlete straddled the balance beam with ease.
9. The chair straddles two rooms.
10. The canyon straddles the region between two forests.
11. The park straddles the path between two neighborhoods.
12. The umbrella straddled over two tables.
13. The establishment straddles the lines between a bar, restaurant and hotel.
14. The firewall straddles both networks.
15. The intersection straddles four different towns.
16. The expansive highway straddles several counties.
17. The airport straddles two counties.
18. The constituency straddles urban and rural areas.
19. The skyscrapers straddle Central Park.
20. The law straddles political and moral questions.
21. The issue straddles both environmental and economic concerns.
22. The house straddles two neighboring properties.
23. The mission straddles diplomacy and military action.
24. The legislation straddles partisan divides.
25. The monument straddles a significant historical era.
26. The committee straddles different branches of government.
27. The causeway straddles the bay.
28. The man straddled the fence, unable to make up his mind.
29. The businesses straddled Main Street.
30. The hostage situation straddled international politics and police work.
31. The company straddled different technology sectors.
32. The problem straddled multiple disciplines.
33. The tree straddled the property line.
34. The desk straddled two rooms.
35. The research straddled two academic fields.
36. The mall straddles the highway.
37. The regulations straddle both state and federal authority.
38. The debate straddles philosophical and practical questions.
39. The new policy straddles political ideologies.
40. The factory straddles the river.
41. The border straddles the historic homeland.
42. The dilemma straddles logic and emotion.
43. The political tensions straddle ethnic and religious lines.
44. The positions straddled political extremes.
45. The threat straddled several nations.
46. The controversy straddles constitutional law and morality.
47. The news reports straddled political spin and fact.
48. The software straddles the divide between open source and proprietary.
49. The plan straddles two budget periods.
50. The conference straddled multiple fields of interest.
51. The summit straddled economic and social issues.
52. The treaty straddled domestic and foreign affairs.
53. The program straddled therapy and education.
54. The funding straddles multiple agencies.
55. The industry straddles traditional and digital media.
56. The professor straddles multiple disciplines in his research.
57. His ambitions straddle politics and business.
58. The territory straddles two nations.
59. The mountain straddles two hemispheres.
60. The song straddles genres of pop, rock and folk.

Common Phases

1. The child straddled the large rock.
2. The rider straddled the horse's back.
3. The cowboy straddled the saddle.
4. The monkey straddled the branch.
5. I straddled the swing and began to move.
6. He straddled the fence as he watched people go by.
7. The surfer straddled the surfboard as he waited for the next wave.
8. The tree branches straddled the path.
9. The large roots straddled the stream.
10. The player straddled the baseball bat and got into position.
11. The surfer straddled the surfboard as a wave approached.
12. The cowboy straddled his horse's back as they entered the rodeo.
13. The horse straddled the jump as they vaulted over.
14. The rails straddled the track.
15. The linebacker straddled the line of scrimmage.
16. The scaffolding straddled the building as work was carried out.
17. The beams straddled the foundations.
18. The army straddled the border between the two countries.
19. Their hometown straddles the international border.
20. The road straddles the river crossing below the bridge.
21. The fence straddles the adjoining fields.
22. The footbridge straddles the narrow valley.
23. The motorway straddles the countryside.
24. She straddled the sides of an ethical question.
25. Their economic strategy straddles two competing ideologies.
26. The political party straddles the left-right divide.
27. The building straddles the old and new architectural styles.
28. His views straddle the generational divide.
29. Their opinion straddles both sides of the debate.
30. The family business straddles three industries.
31. His employment straddles both public and private sectors.
32. The reforms straddle two administrations.
33. Their portfolio straddles emerging and established markets.
34. She straddled the motorcycle and started the engine.
35. The cat straddled the cardboard box.
36. The gap in the wall straddled the fence.
37. The slide straddled the gap between the platforms.
38. The pillar straddled the doors.
39. The archway straddled the path.
40. The railway line straddled the street.
41. The damage straddled two rooms in the house.
42. The vehicle tracks straddled the garden lawn.
43. The rot straddled the wooden beam.
44. The war straddled two decades.
45. Their reign straddles the 19th and 20th centuries.
46. His research straddles genetics and neuroscience.
47. The company's production straddles product lines.
48. The magazine straddles genres from fiction to poetry.
49. Their interests straddle hobbies and professions.
50. The courses straddle disciplines and departments.
51. Our attention span straddles long and short formats.
52. Her worldview straddles generations and cultures.
53. His experience straddles traditional and modern methods.
54. They straddle business and academia.
55. The plan straddles short and long term goals.
56. The position straddles two departments.
57. His job straddles management and service roles.
58. The transition straddles two distinct phases.
59. The piece straddles styles and genres.
60. Their proposal straddles feasibility and viability.

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