Straitlaced example sentences

Related (10): prudish, uptight, narrow-minded, rigid, strict, conventional, puritanical, buttoned-up, austere, stuffy

"Straitlaced" Example Sentences

1. My grandmother was a very straitlaced woman who disapproved of any behavior she deemed inappropriate.
2. His straitlaced parents did not approve of his rock star lifestyle.
3. My childhood seemed overly strict due to my parents' straitlaced attitudes.
4. The professor had a rather straitlaced demeanor that intimidated many students.
5. Victorian England is notorious for being a time of buttoned-up, straitlaced values.
6. Men were expected to be stoic and self-controlled, while women were meant to be modest and demure, due to the straitlaced societal norms of the time.
7. Despite their strict upbringing, the siblings rebelled against their parents' straitlaced ways when they went to college.
8. As a child, she adhered to all the rules set by her straitlaced parents.
9. The straitlaced professor scolded the student for using profanity in his essay.
10. Compared to the free-spirited 1970s, the 1950s seemed much more straitlaced and conservative.
11. His kids thought he was being way too straitlaced by not allowing them to go to the concert.
12. The book describes life under the straitlaced moral code of the Puritans.
13. The strict and straitlaced moral standards of the time made romance difficult.
14. After a childhood spent following her parents' straitlaced rules, she rebelled by getting tattoos and piercings when she went to college.
15. The prim and proper lady presented a straitlaced appearance but had a wild side she kept hidden.
16. To her parents' disapproval, she dyed her hair blue to spite their straitlaced expectations.
17. The straitlaced headmistress frowned upon any form of self-expression among the students.
18. After clashing with their straitlaced families for years, the siblings finally found the freedom they craved when they moved out on their own.
19. His straitlaced upbringing made it hard for him to loosen up and have fun.
20. The generally straitlaced community was shocked by the scandalous revelation.
21. The judge appeared exceedingly straitlaced and humorless from the bench.
22. While her family's straitlaced values prevented her from experimenting with drugs as a teenager, she wishes now that she had not been so rule-abiding.
23. Despite the reputation of many rock stars for partying and excess, he maintained a straitlaced public image.
24. The school's straitlaced policies prohibited displays of affection between students.
25. Her straitlaced boss disapproved of her fashion choices and told her to dress more conservatively.
26. Even in their old age, her parents maintained a straitlaced attitude that she found stifling.
27. The elderly woman's straitlaced demeanor hid a secret adventurous side she could never express.
28. After a lifetime spent living up to his parents' straitlaced ideals, he finally found the courage to follow his dreams.
29. His experience growing up in a straitlaced household allowed him to empathize with teenagers who felt oppressed by strict rules.
30. The generally straitlaced town was shocked when news of the teenage pregnancy scandal broke.
31. She pretended to adhere to her parents' straitlaced principles in public but secretly craved freedom and excitement.
32. I appreciated the strict moral code and discipline of my straitlaced upbringing, though at times I yearned for more freedom.
33. Though his outward persona appeared straitlaced and highly professional, he secretly enjoyed more countercultural interests.
34. The generally straitlaced TV star was involved in a drug scandal that shocked her fans.
35. Despite her opponents characterizing her as prudish and straitlaced, she argued that her moral values were timeless and important.
36.His straitlaced father disapproved of his taste in music.
37. The repressive, straitlaced society drove many citizens to express themselves through underground art scenes.
38. Though she put on a prim and straitlaced facade for her parents, she dressed in an edgy and unconventional style when they weren't around.
39. She seemed like a perfectly proper and straitlaced lady, but she had secretly written several scandalous romance novels under a pseudonym.
40. Though tempted by their edgy fashion choices, she maintained the straitlaced styles preferred by her parents.
41. The generally lighthearted comedy took a surprisingly dark turn in its treatment of the protagonist's straitlaced upbringing and parental disapproval.
42. Despite their public image as straitlaced businessmen, they were known to cut loose and party after hours.
43. Her countercultural sensibilities clashed with her parents' straitlaced worldview.
44. Though she hid her true nature behind a straitlaced facade, her romantic poetry revealed the softer side she kept secret.
45. After years of following society's straitlaced rules, she finally lived life on her own terms.
46. Against the backdrop of the generally straitlaced town, the teenage rebellion seemed all the more shocking.
47. We chafed against our parents' strict rules and straitlaced advice as teenagers, though we came to appreciate their wisdom as we grew older.
48. His professional, straitlaced appearance hid the wartime trauma that still haunted him.
49. The generally straitlaced group surprised everyone by throwing a wild party on campus.
50. Both girls were expected to conform to the era's strict feminine ideals and straitlaced morals.
51. Though always behaving perfectly in public, the straitlaced young woman secretly resented her parents' strict rules.
52. While society preferred straitlaced ideals of proper womanhood, she proudly embodied countercultural ideals of independence and nonconformity.
53. Known for her straitlaced views and moralizing speeches, she secretly disagreed with many of her own policies but was afraid to speak up.
54. Though she presented a straitlaced facade publicly, she privately engaged in some of the very countercultural behaviors she condemned.
55. The generally straitlaced town struggled to adapt to the era's countercultural social norms.
56. Her uncomfortable relationship with her strict and straitlaced father shaped her attitude toward parental authority for years.
57. The straitlaced politician's public persona hid a secret proclivity for affairs and scandals that shocked his supporters when revealed.
58. The repressive, straitlaced atmosphere at home fueled her desire for freedom and independence.
59. She wished she could embrace the countercultural styles of her friends, but years of being raised in a straitlaced household prevented her from doing so.
60. Though I yearned for freedom from my parents' straitlaced rules as a teenager, I came to appreciate their guidance and values as I got older.

Common Phases

1. He had a straitlaced upbringing.
2. She came from a straitlaced family.
3. They adhered to straitlaced moral codes.
4. The time period was known for its straitlaced values.
5. He rebelled against his parents' straitlaced ideals.
6. She maintained a straitlaced facade.
7. The generally straitlaced community was shocked.
8. He maintained a straitlaced public image.
9. She presented a straitlaced demeanor.
10. The straitlaced attitude was stifling.

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