Stupidnesses example sentences

Related (14): doltishness, imbecility, foolishness, inanity, fatuity, absurdity, silliness, lunacy, witlessness, obtuseness, fatuousness, vacuity, idiocy, asininity

"Stupidnesses" Example Sentences

1. His foolishness was evident when he tried to outrun the police.
2. His foolishness caused him to make a terrible mistake.
3. Her foolishness had no bounds as she continued to make bad decisions.
4. His foolishness caused him to miss out on a great opportunity.
5. His foolishness was on full display when he made a wrong decision.
6. His foolishness made him a laughingstock among his peers.
7. His foolishness led him down a path of destruction.
8. His foolishness was his undoing as he made a bad choice.
9. His foolishness was too much for his friends to bear.
10. His foolishness led him to make a rash decision.
11. His foolishness caused him to make a terrible mistake.
12. His foolishness was a source of amusement for his friends.
13. His foolishness prevented him from achieving his goals.
14. His foolishness resulted in a series of regrettable decisions.
15. His foolishness was on full display when he acted impulsively.
16. His foolishness was the cause of his downfall.
17. His foolishness made him a target of ridicule.
18. His foolishness was the root cause of his failure.
19. His foolishness was a constant source of embarrassment.
20. His foolishness was a constant source of frustration.
21. His foolishness led to a series of unfortunate events.
22. His foolishness was a source of endless amusement.
23. His foolishness caused him to make a series of bad decisions.
24. His foolishness was the cause of his undoing.
25. His foolishness caused him to lose out on a great opportunity.
26. His foolishness was too much to bear for his family and friends.
27. His foolishness caused him to miss out on a great chance.
28. His foolishness was a source of embarrassment for his family.
29. His foolishness led him to make a bad decision that cost him dearly.
30. His foolishness was a major factor in his downfall.
31. His foolishness was the cause of his downfall and misery.
32. His foolishness was the source of much frustration and disappointment.
33. His foolishness led him to make a series of bad choices that had dire consequences.
34. His foolishness was the reason for his ultimate failure.
35. His foolishness was the cause of his undoing and downfall.
36. His foolishness caused him to make a rash and ill-advised decision.
37. His foolishness led him to make a decision that had disastrous consequences.
38. His foolishness was the cause of much ridicule and embarrassment.
39. His foolishness was the source of much frustration and despair.
40. His foolishness was a constant reminder of his failure and shortcomings.

Common Phases

1. Making the same mistake over and over;
2. Taking things too seriously;
3. Not thinking things through;
4. Not listening to advice;
5. Not learning from mistakes;
6. Not taking responsibility;
7. Jumping to conclusions;
8. Avoiding difficult conversations;
9. Not asking for help;
10. Not taking action.

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