Subalternation example sentences

Related (5): inferiority, subservience, dependence, subordination, subjugation

"Subalternation" Example Sentences

1. Subalternation is a logical relation between propositions.
2. The idea of subalternation comes from medieval logic.
3. In subalternation, a universal proposition implies a particular proposition.
4. The relation of subalternation is asymmetrical.
5. The subaltern proposition is a smaller class than the superordinate proposition.
6. In subalternation, the truth of the superordinate proposition guarantees the truth of the subaltern proposition.
7. Subalternation is a way of showing the logical connection between propositions.
8. The notion of subalternation is central to the study of logic.
9. In subalternation, the subaltern proposition must be true if the superordinate proposition is true.
10. The principle of subalternation can be applied to syllogisms.
11. Subalternation is one of the fundamental relations in logic.
12. In subalternation, the subaltern proposition is contained within the superordinate proposition.
13. The law of subalternation states that a universal proposition implies its corresponding particular proposition.
14. The concept of subalternation can help us to understand how logical arguments work.
15. According to subalternation, a particular truth implies a universal truth.
16. Subalternation is a tool for analyzing the logical structure of arguments.
17. The principle of subalternation is used to determine the truth value of propositions.
18. In subalternation, the truth of the subaltern proposition does not guarantee the truth of the superordinate proposition.
19. The idea of subalternation has been studied by philosophers and logicians for centuries.
20. Subalternation is a key aspect of Aristotelian logic.
21. The concept of subalternation is used in both deductive and inductive reasoning.
22. Subalternation can be applied to conjunctions and disjunctions as well as to propositions.
23. The principle of subalternation is one of the basic tools of logic.
24. Subalternation allows us to infer the truth of particular propositions from universal propositions.
25. In subalternation, the superordinate proposition cannot be true if the subaltern proposition is false.
26. Subalternation is an important concept in the philosophy of language.
27. The principle of subalternation is useful for testing the validity of arguments.
28. Subalternation is a way of showing how the truth of one proposition implies the truth of another.
29. The subaltern proposition is a subcategory of the superordinate proposition in subalternation.
30. Subalternation helps us to understand how logical inference works.

Common Phases

1. While the dominant group enjoys privileges; subaltern groups suffer from marginalization.
2. The subaltern population often lacks access to basic resources; in contrast, the elite have access to all types of luxuries.
3. Though subaltern voices are often silenced; their struggles and experiences cannot be ignored.
4. Even though the subaltern group constitutes a significant portion of society; they are often disregarded in mainstream discourse.
5. While the privileged few can make decisions that affect the entire population; the subaltern voices are unheard and unconsidered.

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