Subalternations example sentences

Related (5): subordination, inferiority, subjugation, subservience, dependency.

"Subalternations" Example Sentences

1. The use of subalternations in the novel created a complex narrative structure.
2. The writer employed subalternations to give depth to the characters' inner thoughts and feelings.
3. The professor explained the concept of subalternations in great detail during the lecture.
4. The film relied heavily on subalternations to seamlessly transition between scenes.
5. The poet's use of subalternations added layers of meaning to his verses.
6. The complex subalternations in the music piece made it difficult for the audience to predict the melody.
7. The artist's use of subalternations in her paintings conveyed a sense of ambiguity and mystery.
8. The play utilized subalternations to showcase the different perspectives of each character.
9. The novel's use of subalternations allowed the reader to see the story from various angles.
10. The filmmaker masterfully incorporated subalternations to craft a compelling narrative.
11. The use of subalternations in the short story added a sense of surrealism to the plot.
12. The subalternations in the song's lyrics gave the listener room for interpretation.
13. The author's use of subalternations helped to create a nonlinear plot structure.
14. The playwright's skillful use of subalternations heightened the emotional impact of the play.
15. The surprising subalternations in the documentary kept the audience on the edges of their seats.
16. The director's use of subalternations in the film evoked a deep sense of nostalgia.
17. The musician's subalternations reflected his diverse range of influences.
18. The use of subalternations in the artwork added a sense of depth and complexity to the images.
19. The writer's deft use of subalternations made the story more compelling and engaging for readers.
20. The filmmaker's use of subalternations transitioned seamlessly between different time periods in the movie.
21. The artist's intentional subalternations in her sculptures created a sense of fluidity and movement.
22. The novel's subalternations allowed for a more nuanced understanding of the characters' motivations.
23. The poet's use of subalternations added layers of symbolism to the textual analysis.
24. The play's subalternations offered a deeper exploration of the themes of power and oppression.
25. The filmmaker's subalternations created a haunting, dreamlike atmosphere in the movie.
26. The use of subalternations in the music gave it a sense of unpredictability and surprise.
27. The author seamlessly incorporated subalternations into the novel's structure.
28. The theme of subalternations pervaded the entire poetic collection.
29. The play's use of subalternations intertwined multiple plotlines into a cohesive story.
30. The writer's use of subalternations to depict a character's memories gave them a sense of vividness and realism.

Common Phases

1. As the company expands; more departments are created, which leads to a need for more employees.
2. Although the weather looked promising; we decided to bring raincoats just in case.
3. During the summer months; many people choose to go on vacation and escape from their routine.
4. Since I am allergic to pollen; I always carry an antihistamine with me during springtime.
5. Even though the concert was sold out; we managed to find some tickets at a later time.
6. As a result of the recent economic crisis; many small businesses have had to close down.
7. Despite the fact that we arrived early; the line to enter the museum was very long.
8. Following the doctor's advice; I have started a new exercise regimen to improve my health.
9. Due to the high demand; the store decided to restock the shelves with the latest products.
10. Whenever I have free time; I like to read a good book or watch a movie.

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