Sublimate example sentences

Related (10): transmute, transform, purify, refine, elevate, channel, redirect, suppress, divert, convert

"Sublimate" Example Sentences

1. She sublimated her desires for fame and fortune to focus on raising her children.
2. He sublimated his aggressive urges through competitive sports.
3. Her powerful sexual urges were sublimated into her brilliant creative works of art.
4. The artist sublimated her emotional struggles into works of great beauty and meaning.
5. Freud believed many strong desires are sublimated into socially acceptable activities.
6. His energy and ambition were sublimated into developing new products for the company.
7. His natural leadership abilities were sublimated into his service in the military.
8. She sublimated her feelings of anger into cooking elaborate meals for her family.
9. He channeled his competitive nature into sports rather than allowing it to sublimate into aggression.
10. The poet sublimated his romantic longing into beautiful verses.
11. The scholar sublimated her childhood traumas into academic pursuits.
12. The writer sublimated his social anxieties into creating vivid characters and stories.
13. The musician sublimated feelings of isolation into powerful melodies.
14. The athlete sublimated her pent-up emotions into running long distances.
15. The youth sublimated his rebellious urges into inventing clever schemes and games.
16. The student sublimated her frustrations with her peers into channeling studying.
17. The conductor sublimated his anger into demanding perfection from the orchestra.
18. The boxer sublimated his feelings of powerlessness into fighting in the ring.
19. The inventor sublimated his childhood fantasies into remarkable innovations.
20. The sculptor sublimated his longing for beauty into carving stone.
21. The researcher sublimated his curiosities into exploring scientific theories.
22. The entrepreneur sublimated her restless energy into building successful businesses.
23. The dancer sublimated overwhelming emotions into graceful movements.
24. The activist sublimated outrage over injustice into fighting for social change.
25. The engineer sublimated her creativity into designing ingenious products.
26. She sublimated feelings of rejection into nurturing others.
27. He sublimated love and desire into spiritual devotion.
28. She sublimated her repressed rage into volcanic imagery in her paintings.
29. The child sublimated his fear and sadness into startlingly beautiful songs.
30. The widow sublimated her grief into volunteer work helping others in need.
31. The creative soul sublimates life's trials into art.
32. The philosopher sublimated puzzlement into complex theories.
33. The teenager sublimated adolescent angst into writing stirring poems.
34. He sublimated primal instincts into engaging in profound thought experiments.
35. She sublimated the desperation of poverty into fuel for her ambitions.
36. The scholar sublimated restlessness into lifelong studies.
37. The star sublimated feelings of inadequacy into dazzling performances.
38. The mystic sublimated desires of the flesh into spiritual yearning.
39. The leader sublimated personal ambitions into a vision of societal progress.
40. She sublimated trauma into paintings that touched the souls of viewers.
41. The visions sublimated his terrors into transcendent ecstasy.
42. The bodhisattva sublimated self-interest into compassion for all beings.
43. The comedian sublimated social anxieties into uproarious humor.
44. The monk sublimated sexual urges into seeking spiritual awakening.
45. The healer sublimated bitterness into balm for wounded hearts.
46. The optimist sublimated suffering into hope for a better future.
47. He sublimated forbidden desires into heavenly visions.
48. The novelist sublimated creative longings into memorable stories.
49. The mystic sublimated earthly desires into yearning for the divine.
50. The storyteller sublimates life's tragedies into tales of triumph.

Common Phases

1. He tried to sublimate his frustration through his work.
2. She sublimated her anger into creative energy.
3. The artist tried to sublimate her inner turmoil into paintings.
4. He sublimated his sexual urges into exercise and hobbies.
5. Her ambitions sublimated into the passion for her career.
6. Her desires sublimated into a devotion to her children.
7. The psychic tried to sublimate the spirits' energy into healing.
8. The director wanted the actors to sublimate their emotions into their roles.
9. The psychologist advised him to try and sublimate his desires into productive pursuits.
10. The psychiatrist suggested sublimating his aggressive impulses through contact sports.
11. The priest encouraged her to sublimate her romantic yearnings into spiritual devotion.
12. Soldiers are taught to sublimate their fear into discipline and courage.
13. She sublimated her sorrow into service for others.
14. The therapist recommended that he sublimate his destructive urges into creative projects.
15. He tried to sublimate his worries through physical exertion.
16. His passion sublimated into an intense focus on his career.
17. She sublimated her longing for motherhood into caring for children through charities.
18. The monk tried to sublimate his worldly desires into spiritual devotion.
19. The energy from her grief sublimated into songwriting.
20. His jealousy sublimated into a competitive drive that fueled his career success.
21. The heat sublimated the dry ice directly from its solid state into a gas.
22. Freud believed the libido could be sublimated into non-sexual yet creative pursuits.
23. Her desires for love sublimated into the love she showed her nephews.
24. She sublimated her lost dreams into helping others achieve theirs.
25. He sublimated his sadness into laughter and good humor.
26. Her passion for adventure sublimated into writing adventure stories.
27. The restless energy of the youth sublimated into a drive for social change.
28. The latent aggression sublimated into competitive sports.
29. The scientist discovered a method to sublimate the ice directly into vapor.
30. The teenager's rebellion sublimated into a quest for knowledge.
31. Their cultural sublimation channeled native spirituality into Christian worship.
32. Her wish for fame sublimated into a desire to make the world a better place.
33. His libido was sublimated into intellectual pursuits.
34. The drugs used hallucinations to sublimate the patients' anxieties.
35. The desire for comfort sublimated into creative works of art.
36. His feelings of inferiority sublimated into a passion for helping others.
37. The fire sublimated the phosphorous, turning it directly from a solid to a gas.
38. The process sublimated emissions directly from the liquid state into the atmosphere.
39. The singer tried to sublimate his pain through his music.
40. Artists often try to sublimate life's difficulties into their creative work.
41. Her longing for domestic life sublimated into becoming a foster parent.
42. Anger can be sublimated into energy that propels positive change.
43. Sublimation involves channeling instinctual urges into non-instinctual goals.
44. Curiosity can drive one to sublimate desire into the exploration of knowledge.
45. The heat of the oven sublimated the camphor, vaporizing it directly from solid to gas.
46. Her sexual energy sublimated into intense devotion to her students.
47. Their repressed anger sublimated into a strong work ethic.
48. The molecules of camphor sublimated at a low temperature.
49. The aesthetic urge sublimated into a passion for crafting exquisite furniture.
50. The high temperature in the chamber sublimated the dry ice directly to a gas.
51. He tried to sublimate his frustration into conceptual artworks.
52. The energy of the id can be sublimated by the superego into socially acceptable goals.
53. Psychoanalysts believe sublimation redirects forbidden impulses into moral aspirations.
54. The heat quickly sublimated the carbon dioxide from a solid directly into a gas.
55. Subtle pain can be sublimated into philosophic truths.
56. The dry ice sublimated upon exposure to room temperature air.
57. Impulses are sublimated when channeled into productive, moral, and creative actions.
58. Sublimation involves redirecting potentially dangerous desires into positive pursuits.
59. The intense heat sublimated the iodine directly from solid to gas.
60. Her aggression sublimated into intense competitiveness in the workplace.

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