"Subordinaten" Example Sentences
1. The subordinaten clause will only be executed after the main clause.
2. She was given a subordinaten position in the company due to her lack of experience.
3. The team leader asked the subordinaten members for their opinions.
4. The subordinaten officer reported the incident to his superior.
5. The subordinaten staff members were responsible for completing the tasks assigned to them.
6. The subordinaten conjunction "if" can be used to create conditional sentences.
7. The subordinaten clause modifies the main clause in this sentence.
8. My job involves managing a team of subordinaten employees.
9. The subordinaten clause adds additional information to the main clause.
10. The subordinaten clause acts as an adjective to describe the noun in the main clause.
11. As a subordinaten member of the department, she was not involved in the decision making process.
12. The subordinaten role of the assistant manager involves supporting the manager.
13. The subordinaten clause begins with a subordinate conjunction such as "although".
14. The project manager delegated tasks to his subordinaten team members.
15. The subordinaten clause can begin with a relative pronoun such as "who".
16. The company hired a new subordinaten employee to assist with administrative tasks.
17. The subordinaten clause explains how or why the action in the main clause occurred.
18. The subordinaten clause can be an adverb clause, modifying the verb in the main clause.
19. The CEO delegated authority to the subordinaten department heads.
20. The subordinaten clause can modify a noun in the main clause.
21. The subordinaten clause can be a noun clause acting as the subject of the sentence.
22. The subordinaten clause can be an adjective clause, modifying the noun in the main clause.
23. As the subordinaten to the manager, he was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the office.
24. The subordinaten clause can begin with a subordinating adverb such as "while".
25. The subordinaten members of the team were responsible for completing the smaller tasks.
26. The subordinaten clause can be used to show a cause-and-effect relationship with the main clause.
27. The subordinaten conjunction "because" can introduce a subordinaten clause explaining the reason for the action in the main clause.
28. The subordinaten clause can be used to provide additional information about the subject or object in the main clause.
29. The subordinaten clause can be used to modify an adjective in the main clause.
30. The subordinaten clause can be used to express a condition or possibility with the main clause.
Common Phases
1. Although he is my subordinate; I respect his work ethic.
2. As a subordinate, she is required to report to her supervisor; even if he is not present.
3. Despite being a subordinate, he has a wealth of knowledge and experience; that often benefits the company.
4. In order for a subordinate to succeed, clear communication from their superiors is crucial; without it, they may feel lost or unsupported.
5. Subordinates are often tasked with completing mundane or repetitive tasks; but these duties are still important to the overall success of the organization.
6. A subordinate who consistently performs above and beyond expectations; may eventually be considered for a promotion.
7. If a subordinate makes a mistake, it is the responsibility of their supervisor to address the issue; and provide feedback on how to improve.
8. Although subordinates are not in positions of power; they play an integral role in the success of any organization.
9. When a subordinate feels valued and appreciated; they are more likely to work harder and feel invested in the company's mission.
10. In some cases, subordinates may have valuable insights or ideas; that can benefit the company as a whole.