Subverten example sentences

Related (9): resist, undermine, overthrow, challenge, sabotage, dismantle, upend, defy, disrupt.

"Subverten" Example Sentences

1. It is important to subverten the traditional gender roles in society.
2. The goal is to subverten the power dynamic between the government and the people.
3. They attempted to subverten the political system through peaceful protests.
4. The artist's work seeks to subverten the norms of the art world.
5. The novel's protagonist is determined to subverten the oppressive regime ruling her country.
6. The rebellious teenager sought to subverten her strict parents' authority.
7. The revolutionary's ultimate aim was to subverten the ruling class and establish a more egalitarian society.
8. The movement's leaders wanted to subverten the pervasive racism in their community.
9. The hackers were able to subverten the security measures and infiltrate the company's database.
10. The comedian's satirical sketches were meant to subverten the expectations of traditional comedy.
11. In order to subverten the justice system, they used legal loopholes to their advantage.
12. The activists organized a demonstration to subverten the corrupt practices of the local government.
13. Our team was able to subverten the enemy's plans by intercepting their communications.
14. The filmmaker's documentary attempts to subverten the mainstream narrative about the environment.
15. The group's mission was to subverten the oppressive cultural practices that had been accepted as the norm for generations.
16. The hackers used a variety of tactics to subverten the computer system and steal valuable information.
17. The author's novel brilliantly subvertens the tropes of the fantasy genre.
18. The undercover agent was able to subverten the terrorist plot before any harm could be done.
19. The activist group decided to subverten the gendered expectations of dress codes by wearing clothing typically associated with the opposite gender.
20. The teenager's rebellious behavior was a way to subverten the conformist culture of their high school.
21. The play's plot subvertens the traditional "happily ever after" ending of fairy tales.
22. The street artist's work often subvertens political propaganda posters with humorous tweaks.
23. Realizing their powerlessness, the community decided to subverten the system by refusing to participate in the elections.
24. The hackers employed social engineering tactics to subverten the human element of the security system.
25. The allies were able to subverten the enemy's supply routes, forcing their surrender.
26. The activist group used creative tactics to subverten the corporate takeover of their community's resources.
27. The writer's article seeks to subverten the prevailing narrative about immigration.
28. The massive protest movement aimed to subverten the authoritarian government's grip on power.
29. The hacker collective was able to subverten the travel restrictions by creating fake passports.
30. The rebels sought to subverten the system by creating their own parallel government.

Common Phases

Subverten the system; subverten the authority; subverten the norms; subverten the rules; subverten the hierarchy.

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