Succession example sentences

Related (18): heir, lineage, inheritance, replacement, order, sequence, chronology, progression, continuity, transfer, transition, handover, follow-up, series, chain, train, wave, relay.

"Succession" Example Sentences

1. In rapid succession, three major disasters struck the region.
2. The flowers bloom in succession throughout the summer months.
3. The leaders came to power in quick succession after the revolution.
4. The new CEO took over the company following the retirement of his predecessor in an orderly succession.
5. The entitled heir assumed the throne after his father's death in accordance with the laws of dynastic succession.
6. When one wave strikes the shore, others follow in quick succession.
7. The events unfolded in a strange succession that defied logical explanation.
8. The musical notes follow one another in smooth succession.
9. The story is told in chronological succession to clearly show the order of events.
10. The family business passed down through the generations by succession from father to son.
11. The long line of kings ruled France in succession for centuries.
12. The chain of command in the military operates according to strict rules of succession.
13. The heir presumptive assumed the throne after the unexpected death of the king without a direct successor.
14. The series of mishaps befell him in quick succession, ruining his entire morning.
15. The chain of mountains stretches for miles in uninterrupted succession.
16. The leaders came to power through a violent succession of coups and revolutions.
17. The monks chanted their prayers in melodious succession.
18. The managers were promoted through orderly succession according to seniority and merit.
19. The row of butterflies sat on the flower in colorful succession.
20. The trees stand in orderly succession along the main road.
21. The series of events followed in logical succession, one precipitating the next.
22. The heir apparent ascended the throne following the death of his father according to the law of primogeniture succession.
23. The dynasty ruled for centuries through orderly succession from father to eldest son.
24. The coming attractions appear in rapid succession on the movie screen before the main feature.
25. The children ran through the sprinkler in giggling succession on the hot summer day.
26. The guns fired in thundering succession during the military parade.
27. The companies merged and passed into new ownership through orderly corporate succession.
28. The violent revolutions followed in quick succession, toppling one regime after another.
29. The unfortunate mishaps befell him in dreadful succession, ruining his whole day.
30. The flowers bloom in colorful succession throughout the gardens in spring.
31. The line of monarchs ruled Britain through a hereditary succession for centuries.
32. The heir apparent assumed the throne after the queen's death according to the laws of succession.
33. The drops fell from the leaky faucet in relentless succession, keeping her awake all night.
34. The dynasty ruled the kingdom over centuries through orderly male primogeniture succession.
35. The unfortunate series of events fell upon him in rapid succession, ruining his plans for the day.
36. The long line of trees stands in uninterrupted succession along the path.
37. The heir to the throne ascended peacefully after the queen's death in accordance with established rules of succession.
38. The unfortunate mishaps befell him in quick, disastrous succession, spoiling his entire day.
39. The ceremonies occurred in somber succession following the tragic death of the monarch.
40. The row of candles stood in orderly succession along the banquet table.
41. The couple had a run of bad luck with illnesses befalling them in quick succession.
42. The musical notes flowed together in seamless succession to form a soothing melody.
43. The unfortunate events occurred in troubling succession, ruining his week.
44. The droplets fell from the leaky faucet in relentless succession, keeping her awake at night.
45. The unfortunate events transpired in dreadful succession, ruining his carefully laid plans.
46. The attacks came in terrifying succession, shaking the very foundation of the city.
47. The family estate passed down through the aristocratic line in orderly succession over centuries.
48. The unfortunate events fell upon him in rapid, disastrous succession, ruining his whole day.
49. The musical notes flowed together in uninterrupted succession into a beautiful symphony.
50. The row of dominos fell in quick succession, toppling the whole system.
51. The dynasty ruled for centuries through lawful succession from father to firstborn son.
52. The houseplants bloom in beautiful succession throughout the spring and summer months.
53. The unfortunate events occurred in dreadful succession, wrecking her carefully laid plans.
54. The drummers beat the tattoos in rapid succession during the military parade.
55. The terrible events occurred in quick, disastrous succession, unraveling all their carefully laid plans.
56. The light bulbs burned out in unlucky succession, leaving the house in darkness.
57. The unfortunate events befell him in rapid, disastrous succession, ruining his carefully laid plans.
58. The musical notes flowed together in uninterrupted succession to form a joyous refrain.
59. The unfortunate events occurred in dreadful succession, wrecking her entire week.
60. The unfortunate accidents befell him in quick succession, ruining his entire day.

Common Phases

1. In quick succession
2. In regular succession
3. In orderly succession
4. Through orderly succession
5. Through hereditary succession
6. In uninterrupted succession
7. In rapid succession
8. In peaceful succession
9. By right of succession
10. By order of succession

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