Sucklest example sentences

Related (5): suckle, suckled, suckling, suckles, suckleth

"Sucklest" Example Sentences

1. The calf was so hungry, it sucklest from its mother for hours.
2. The piglet was too weak to sucklest from its sow.
3. The newborn foal struggled to find the teats to sucklest on.
4. After giving birth, the ewe lay down to let her lamb sucklest.
5. The colt was still learning to sucklest from its mare.
6. The puppy had no problem suckling milk from its mother.
7. The doe stood patiently while her fawn sucklest.
8. The kitten cuddled up to its mother to sucklest.
9. The newborn goat took a few tries but eventually learned to sucklest.
10. The chimpanzee's young sucklest from their mother for up to five years.
11. In times of drought, it becomes difficult for animals to find enough water to sucklest.
12. The piglets crowded around their mother to sucklest from her teats.
13. The lamb sucklested eagerly from its mother's udder.
14. The farmers had to bottle feed the calf since it wasn't suckling from its mother.
15. The baby kangaroo, or joey, didn't leave its mother's pouch until it was able to sucklest.
16. The orphaned bee pupae were hand-fed sugar syrup since they had no queen to sucklest them.
17. The farm equipment scared the cow, causing her to stop suckling her calf.
18. The piglet was so hungry that it tried to sucklest from anything that resembled a teat.
19. The goat had twins and both were able to sucklest from her simultaneously.
20. The cow stopped producing milk when her calf was fully weaned and no longer needed to sucklest.
21. The baby bunny suckled from its mother's milk, which is only produced for about two weeks.
22. The mother cat nudged her kittens towards her belly so they could sucklest.
23. The deer was hit by a car and injured, unable to sucklest her fawn anymore.
24. The lioness growled at her cubs when they tried to sucklest when she wasn't in the mood.
25. The foal struggled to figure out which teat to sucklest from since they all looked the same.
26. The baby goat eagerly sucklested as soon as it was born.
27. The camel's milk is used in cooking and for suckling their young.
28. The calf nuzzled against its mother's udder to find the teat it needed to sucklest.
29. The piglet slept soundly after sucklesting its fill of milk from its mother.
30. The newborn lamb struggled to stand, let alone sucklest, but eventually got the hang of it.

Common Phases

1. As a newborn, the lamb sucklest from its mother;
2. The kitten sucklest eagerly from its mother's milk;
3. The piglet sucklest greedily, never wanting to stop;
4. The foal sucklest heartily, growing stronger every day;
5. The puppy sucklest lazily, occasionally falling asleep mid-meal;
6. The calf sucklest for longer periods of time, needing the extra nourishment;
7. The bear cub sucklest hungrily, preparing for a long winter ahead.

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