Sufficiently example sentences

Related (11): enough, satisfactory, adequately, satisfactorily, ample, abundant, plentiful, suitable, appropriate, competent, qualified

"Sufficiently" Example Sentences

1. The medicine is not sufficiently strong to heal her quickly.
2. The evidence was not sufficiently compelling to convince the jury.
3. The batter on the pancakes was not mixed sufficiently, resulting in lumps.
4. They heated the pan sufficiently before cooking the eggs.
5. The hole was hot sufficiently large for the rabbit to squeeze through.
6. The train was delayed sufficiently long that we missed our connection.
7. The customers' demands were addressed sufficiently that they decided not to cancel their plans.
8. Sarah studied sufficiently hard to ace the test.
9. His explanation was plausible but not sufficiently detailed to convince me.
10. The government distributed food and supplies sufficiently to alleviate the suffering.
11. The attorney argued her case sufficiently well that she won the appeal.
12. The class exercised sufficiently before the race to be ready.
13. The bridge was inspected sufficiently often to ensure safety.
14. The engineers designed the building sufficiently sturdy to withstand high winds and earthquakes.
15. The coating was applied sufficiently thick to prevent corrosion.
16. The plan was detailed sufficiently for us to move forward with implementation.
17. The students were introduced sufficiently to the subject matter before the exam.
18. The issue was discussed sufficiently at the meeting.
19. The cake batter was mixed sufficiently through before baking.
20. The instructions were clear and detailed sufficiently to assemble the furniture.
21. The space probe has traveled sufficiently far from Earth.
22. The ingredients were measured sufficiently accurately in the recipe.
23. The report contained sufficiently accurate statistics to base our recommendation.
24. He studied sufficiently hard for his achievement.
25. They exercised sufficiently before the hike to acclimate to the altitude.
26. The design alterations were incorporated sufficiently to solve the problems.
27. The salary was not sufficiently competitive to attract top applicants.
28. The scientists worked long and hard sufficiently to make a discovery.
29. The vaccine proved sufficiently effective in clinical trials.
30. The bridge was built sufficiently strong to carry modern traffic loads.
31. The foundation was poured sufficiently deep to prevent shifting.
32. Their accommodation was sufficiently comfortable for the brief stay.
33. The airbags deployed sufficiently quickly to save the passengers.
34. The rain had fallen sufficiently to replenish water levels.
35. The delay was sufficiently prolonged to miss our show.
36. The rain came down sufficiently heavily to flood the basement.
37. The project was undertaken sufficiently early to meet the deadline.
38. The steak was cooked sufficiently for their preference.
39. The rope was stretched sufficiently tight before climbing.
40. The children were disciplined sufficiently to behave well at the store.
41. Her apologies seemed sufficiently sincere.
42. Her excuses were not sufficiently believable.
43. The governor's veto cited sufficiently convincing reasons.
44. The radiator's heat warmed the room sufficiently for comfort.
45. The wound was cleaned sufficiently to prevent infection.
46. Their explanation was plausible but not sufficiently thorough to convince me.
47. The storm raged sufficiently ferociously to uproot trees and damage roofs.
48. The lawsuit proved sufficiently damaging to change company policy.
49. The music played sufficiently loudly to annoy the neighbors.
50. The boat floated sufficiently high in the water.
51. The weather was calm sufficiently for a pleasant sail.
52. The product met sufficiently stringent quality standards.
53. The explanation was plausible enough to seem sufficiently convincing.
54. His grades are sufficiently good to warrant consideration for the scholarship.
55. The material is sufficiently strong for this application.
56. Their income was sufficiently comfortable to allow generous donations.
57. Her cooking skills were sufficiently advanced for graduation.
58. The drug reduced symptoms sufficiently for patients to resume normal activities.
59. The dog had been disciplined sufficiently well to refrain from wandering.
60. The room was heated sufficiently warm for comfort.

Common Phases

1. sufficiently advanced/developed/mature
2. sufficiently accurate/close/precise
3. sufficiently clear/concise/detailed/explicit
4. sufficiently compelling/convincing
5. sufficiently comfortable/spacious
6. sufficiently divergent/different
7. sufficiently effective/efficient/productive
8 sufficiently good/great/strong
9. sufficiently important/interesting/relevant
10. sufficiently intense/prolonged/serious
11. sufficiently large/long/wide
12. sufficiently motivated/prepared
13. sufficiently powerful/protective/resistant
14. sufficiently safe/secure
15. sufficiently stable/sturdy/supportive

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