Superficiallybig example sentences

Related (5): superficial, grandiose, ostentatious, flamboyant, showy

"Superficiallybig" Example Sentences

1. The cake looked superficially big but was actually quite dense.
2. The elephant was superficially big compared to other animals in the zoo.
3. The building appeared superficially big from a distance, but it only had two floors.
4. The celebrity had a superficially big entourage, but most of them were just hangers-on.
5. The company's profits looked superficially big, but they were actually in decline.
6. The little boy thought his toy car was superficially big because it was the biggest one he had ever seen.
7. The plot of the movie seemed superficially big, but it lacked depth and substance.
8. The man's muscles were superficially big, but they were actually just for show.
9. The diamond ring looked superficially big, but it was actually quite affordable.
10. The football stadium was superficially big and impressive, but the sound system was terrible.
11. The artwork was superficially big, but lacked any real artistic merit.
12. The politician's promises were superficially big, but she failed to deliver on any of them.
13. The mansion looked superficially big and opulent, but it had many hidden problems.
14. The bully's threats were superficially big, but he could never back them up.
15. The storm clouds appeared superficially big and menacing, but the storm passed quickly.
16. The computer screen was superficially big, but the resolution was poor.
17. The dog's bark seemed superficially big and scary, but he was actually very friendly.
18. The price tag on the car was superficially big, but it had many hidden costs.
19. The argument was superficially big and dramatic, but it quickly fizzled out.
20. The fashion model was superficially big and glamorous, but her personal life was a mess.
21. The project seemed superficially big and ambitious, but it was poorly planned and executed.
22. The mansion's pool looked superficially big, but it was shallow and poorly maintained.
23. The festival's lineup appeared superficially big and impressive, but many of the performers were unknowns.
24. The piece of furniture was superficially big, but it was actually quite flimsy.
25. The CEO's salary seemed superficially big, but it was actually quite modest compared to industry standards.
26. The man's beard was superficially big and bushy, but it was actually quite well-groomed.
27. The mushroom appeared superficially big and edible, but it was actually poisonous.
28. The antique vase seemed superficially big and valuable, but it was a cheap knock-off.
29. The actor's entourage was superficially big and flashy, but it was mainly made up of his family and friends.
30. The dessert was superficially big and indulgent, but it was actually quite healthy and low-calorie.

Common Phases

1. The building may look superficially big; but, its interior is surprisingly small.
2. His muscles seemed superficially big; but, they lacked strength and endurance.
3. The actor's talent was superficially big; but, critics found his performances lacking depth.
4. The company's profits appeared superficially big; but, closer examination revealed financial instability.
5. The diamond ring appeared superficially big; but, it was actually just a cheap knockoff.
6. The politician's promises seemed superficially big; but, they were not backed by any concrete plans.
7. The influencer's following appeared superficially big; but, it was mostly made up of fake accounts.
8. The mountain may look superficially big; but, it can be scaled with the right equipment and training.
9. The cake was extra superficially big; but, it was mostly icing and lacked substance.
10. The price tag was superficially big; but, it was worth it for the quality of the product.

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