Supernaturalorigin example sentences

Related (14): ghosts, demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, fairies, angels, spirits, sorcerers, zombies, poltergeists, extraterrestrials, cryptids, immortals.

"Supernaturalorigin" Example Sentences

1. I believe in the supernatural origin of ghosts.
2. Some people believe that vampires have a supernatural origin.
3. The werewolf legend is said to have a supernatural origin.
4. The supernatural origin of religion has been debated for centuries.
5. The cult leader claimed to have powers of supernatural origin.
6. The supernatural origin of demons is a common belief in many cultures.
7. Some ancient myths attribute the creation of the world to supernatural origin.
8. The supernatural origin of fate is a recurring theme in literature.
9. Many ancient civilizations believed in gods of supernatural origin.
10. There are countless tales of creatures with supernatural origin.
11. The supernatural origin of magic is often the subject of fantasy novels.
12. Some people believe in the supernatural origin of crop circles.
13. The supernatural origin of curses has played a role in many superstitions.
14. Many people believe that dreams have a supernatural origin.
15. The supernatural origin of the Loch Ness Monster is still a mystery.
16. Some argue that psychic abilities have a supernatural origin.
17. The supernatural origin of aliens is a popular theory among UFO enthusiasts.
18. The supernatural origin of the Bermuda Triangle has been debated for years.
19. Some people believe in the supernatural origin of crystal healing.
20. The supernatural origin of mermaids is the subject of countless myths.
21. The supernatural origin of parallel universes is a topic of scientific debate.
22. Some believe that the supernatural origin of Bigfoot may explain its elusive nature.
23. The supernatural origin of the Holy Grail is a recurring motif in literature.
24. The supernatural origin of fate has been explored in countless poems and songs.
25. Some cultures attribute the creation of the sun and moon to supernatural origin.
26. The supernatural origin of ghosts is often the premise of horror movies.
27. The supernatural origin of the Phoenix is a common theme in mythology.
28. The supernatural origin of the Crystal Skulls has been the subject of many theories.
29. Some believe in the supernatural origin of ley lines and their effects on the environment.
30. The supernatural origin of the Loch Ness Monster is a popular tourist attraction.
31. The supernatural origin of the Chupacabra is a subject of fascination among cryptozoologists.
32. Some stories suggest that the supernatural origin of dragons makes them immune to harm.
33. The supernatural origin of the Bermuda Triangle has been studied by scientists and historians.
34. The supernatural origin of the Kappa is a part of Japanese folklore.
35. Some people believe in the supernatural origin of the Yeti and its connection to the Himalayas.
36. The supernatural origin of the Tasmanian Tiger has been the subject of many debates.
37. The supernatural origin of the crop circle phenomenon continues to intrigue scientists.
38. Some believe in the supernatural origin of the Nazca lines in Peru.
39. The supernatural origin of the Sphinx is still debated by archaeologists.
40. The supernatural origin of the Mothman has been the subject of numerous sightings and legends.

Common Phases

1. The belief in supernatural origin is deeply ingrained in many religions; it is considered a central tenet.
2. The idea of supernatural origin is a common explanation for mysterious or unexplained phenomena; it is often associated with magic or myth.
3. Historically, many societies have attributed the origins of their cultures to supernatural forces; this belief has influenced art, literature, and philosophy.
4. Some people believe that their own abilities or talents have a supernatural origin; they may feel they have a special connection to the divine.
5. In many cultures, supernatural entities such as ghosts, demons, or angels are believed to be responsible for a range of events; some people seek to interact with these entities through rituals or prayer.
6. The concept of supernatural origin is often used to explain the existence of the universe or the diversity of life on Earth; these theories are sometimes in conflict with scientific explanations.
7. Superstitions and beliefs in supernatural origin can have a profound impact on people's lives; they may influence decisions about health, relationships, and other important matters.

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