Supernaturals example sentences

Related (10): ghosts, vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, angels, zombies, fairies, mermaids, aliens

"Supernaturals" Example Sentences

1. The Halloween party was full of supernaturals.
2. The town was rumored to be haunted by supernaturals.
3. She could feel the presence of the supernaturals in the room.
4. The book was about a group of supernaturals trying to save the world.
5. The town's history was intertwined with stories of supernaturals.
6. The movie was all about the secret lives of supernaturals.
7. He had a special gift for communicating with supernaturals.
8. There was a supernatural aura around the mysterious figure.
9. The town had a long-standing fear of the supernaturals that lived in the woods.
10. She had never encountered supernaturals before, but she was curious about them.
11. The supernaturals in the town were constantly at odds with the humans.
12. She knew that she was different from other people - she was a supernatural.
13. As a paranormal investigator, he had dedicated his life to studying supernaturals.
14. The supernaturals in the story were portrayed as misunderstood and vulnerable.
15. The boy had always felt a strange connection to the supernaturals in his dreams.
16. She had been warned never to go into the forest at night because of the supernaturals that lived there.
17. The government had a secret program dedicated to tracking and studying supernaturals.
18. The girl felt a sense of relief when she found out she was a supernatural, and not just crazy.
19. The supernatural community was deeply divided, with some wanting to help humanity and others seeking to destroy it.
20. The scientists were fascinated by the abilities of the supernaturals, and wanted to study them further.
21. The supernaturals had been at war with humans for centuries, and there seemed to be no end in sight.
22. She wondered if being a supernatural meant that she had a higher purpose in life.
23. The town was known for its supernatural sightings, and drew tourists from all over the world.
24. The supernaturals had their own laws and customs, which were unfamiliar to humans.
25. She was nervous about meeting the supernaturals, but also excited to learn more about them.
26. The protagonist was torn between his loyalty to humanity and his growing empathy for the supernaturals.
27. The supernaturals in the story had unique powers that set them apart from humans.
28. The book was a collection of true stories about encounters with supernaturals.
29. Despite their differences, the humans and supernaturals found a way to coexist in peace.
30. The woman had always suspected that there was something supernatural about her grandmother's old house.

Common Phases

1. Some believe in the existence of supernatural beings; others remain skeptical.
2. Horror movies tend to focus on the supernatural; ghosts, demons, and otherworldly creatures.
3. People who claim to have seen supernatural events often describe an eerie feeling; an inexplicable sense of dread.
4. The study of the supernatural falls under the category of metaphysics; it is concerned with the nature of reality beyond the physical world.
5. Many cultures around the world have their own unique supernatural beliefs; from shapeshifters to evil spirits.
6. Some people believe that certain individuals possess supernatural abilities; such as telekinesis or clairvoyance.
7. There is much debate among theologians about the role of supernatural forces; some see God's hand in everything, while others argue for free will.
8. Witnesses of supernatural events may experience different reactions; some are filled with wonder, while others are frightened.
9. The existence of supernatural phenomena remains a mystery to science; some argue that it cannot be studied in a traditional, empirical sense.
10. Believers in the supernatural often seek out mediums; those who claim to have a connection to the other side.

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