Supplementing example sentences

Related (8): complementing, augmenting, enhancing, bolstering, fortifying, reinforcing, completing, increasing

"Supplementing" Example Sentences

1. The government considered supplementing existing welfare programs.
2. The nutrition label shows the vitamins and minerals supplementing the food.
3. Dietary supplements are intended to supplement an individual's diet.
4. The mayor proposed supplementing the police budget to hire more officers.
5. Protein shakes are often used to supplement a regular diet.
6. The company announced plans to supplement worker salaries with bonuses.
7. Income from his investments supplemented his pension.
8. They supplemented their retirement savings with part-time jobs.
9. Herbal treatments were used to supplement the conventional medical treatments.
10. The additional funding will go toward supplementing existing school programs.
11. The rice dish was supplemented with lentils to increase protein.
12. Zinc supplements are often recommended for supplementing immune function.
13. The advertising agency won the account by supplementing the client's own marketing.
14. Dieticians recommend calcium supplements for supplementing daily requirements.
15. Vitamin C supplements are often recommended for supplementing fruit and vegetable intake.
16. The additional income from his side job supplemented his salary.
17. Physical therapy was used to supplement medicinal treatments.
18. Extra tutorial sessions were offered for supplementing classroom learning.
19. Exercise was recommended for supplementing his weight loss diet.
20. The pharmaceutical company focused on supplementing existing drug lines.
21. The law requires food labels to list any vitamins and minerals supplementing the product.
22. The doctor recommended a magnesium supplement for supplementing his daily intake.
23. The multivitamin supplement was designed to supplement a balanced diet.
24. The program focused on supplementing classroom learning with hands-on projects.
25. The store sold vitamins and herbal supplements for supplementing customer health.
26. Iron supplements are often recommended for supplementing low iron levels in the blood.
27. The company decided to supplement employee health insurance with dental coverage.
28. The supplement manufacturer found new ways of supplementing existing product lines.
29. The financial consultant advised supplementing pensions with investments and savings.
30. Nature photos were used to supplement the text in the children's book.
31. Profits from the rental property supplemented his retirement income.
32. Home remedies were used to supplement modern medical treatments.
33. Fish oil supplements are promoted for supplementing omega 3 fatty acids.
34. He supplemented his salary by selling items on eBay.
35. The yoga classes were intended to supplement the boxing workout.
36. The presentation was supplemented with charts, graphs and photos.
37. The child's vitamin drops are intended to supplement a balanced diet.
38. A culture of meditation and mindfulness supplemented her spiritual practice.
39. Volunteers helped supplement the work of the full-time employees.
40. The article was supplemented with relevant statistics and sources.
41. Exercise and massage were used to supplement the physical therapy regimen.
42. Herbal remedies were used to supplement conventional medical care.
43. Earnings from his rental properties helped supplement his pension income.
44. The new funds were aimed at supplementing current programs for low-income families.
45. Proteins in animal products supplement plant proteins in a balanced diet.
46. Vitamin B supplements are recommended to supplement diets lacking in whole grains.
47. The course materials were supplemented with online videos and discussions.
48. The health food store sold protein powders for supplementing vegetarian diets.
49. The coach had the players do drills to supplement their weight training.
50. The cookbook included suggestions for supplementing vegetarian meals with protein.
51. The memorandums supplemented the information presented in the report.
52. The lecture was supplemented with slides, videos and demonstrations.
53. The additional cash gifts helped supplement her college fund.
54. The team decided to supplement their strength training with yoga and flexibility work.
55. The mineral supplements were intended to supplement her diet during pregnancy.
56. The carpenter supplemented his income by making custom furniture on the side.
57. The scientist found that meditation helped supplement his research work.
58. The presentations were supplemented with interactive exercises and discussion.
59. The home remedies were meant to supplement, not replace, medical treatments.
60. The book was supplemented with photographs and illustrations.

Common Phases

1. The students received additional tutoring, supplementing their classroom lessons.
2. We offer training seminars and online resources, supplementing our products and services.
3. I purchased vitamin supplements, supplementing my diet with additional nutrients.
4. Micronutrient powders can be helpful, supplementing children's diets in developing countries.
5. Bodybuilders often use protein shakes, supplementing their high-protein diet.
6. I read extra material online, supplementing the assigned reading for my literature course.
7. The teacher provided additional practice problems, supplementing the textbook examples.
8. The athletes received special electrolyte drinks, supplementing their body's lost fluids after training.
9. I took some magazines on the topic, supplementing the book I'm reading for my research project.
10. The workshop provided hands-on exercises, supplementing the lecture material.
11. She bought additional flashcards, supplementing the ones the teacher provided.
12. The professor posted lecture slides online, supplementing her in-class explanations.
13. I read a summary article, supplementing my knowledge on the historical time period we studied.
14. Athletes take protein supplements, supplementing the protein in their regular diet.
15. Extra homework problems were assigned, supplementing what we covered in class.
16. Food assistance programs aim to supplement struggling families' limited resources.
17. The lecture notes summarized key points, supplementing what was covered in the reading.
18. Researchers supplement interview data with survey results to achieve more reliable findings.
19. I subscribed to an educational website, supplementing the resources my school provides.
20. We use job aids and quick references, supplementing our employees' knowledge and training.
21. Additional exercise drills were provided, supplementing the instruction in our workout routines.
22. I watched some documentaries on the topic, supplementing my reading and research.
23. Teachers give remedial lessons, supplementing students' level of understanding.
24. Researchers supplement their data with information from similar studies on related subjects.
25. The museum tour acted as a supplement to my history textbook, providing visual exhibits.
26. Additional practice exercises were made available online, supplementing what we did in class.
27. Government subsidies aim to supplement incomes and reduce costs for the poor.
28. Multivitamins are taken to supplement the body's stores of essential nutrients.
29. Grants aim to supplement organizations' core budgets and support new initiatives.
30. Online discussion forums can supplement classroom discussions among peers.
31. Donations and gifts aim to supplement the resources that a charity already has.
32. The teacher recorded audio lectures, supplementing the written notes she provided.
33. The manual supplements the product by providing additional details and examples.
34. The professor uploaded past tests to supplement the textbook readings and lectures.
35. The documentary footage acted as a supplement to the oral history we heard from survivors.
36. Supplementing their diet with powdered milk helped relieve malnutrition among refugee camps.
37. The additional lessons aim to supplement students' basic skills and knowledge.
38. Supplementing their usual incomes, many farmers grow food for home consumption.
39. The teacher supplemented the lecture with relevant examples from current events.
40. We often take supplements aimed at supplementing the nutrients we don't get enough of in our diets.
41. The teacher uploaded some helpful podcasts, supplementing the assigned textbook readings.
42. Supplementing his military pension, the veteran works part-time.
43. The coach gave us extra exercises, supplementing our normal fitness routines.
44. The kids received free lunch, supplementing the meals their parents provided at home.
45. The study guide aimed to supplement and reinforce what students learned in lectures.
46. She created flashcards, supplementing those provided by the textbook publisher.
47. The teacher provided additional practice problems, supplementing what we covered in class.
48. The museum tablets provide audio and video supplements to the written exhibit descriptions.
49. Food assistance programs aim to supplement the limited resources of struggling families.
50. Exercise recommendations supplement the advice dietitians provide patients.
51. Bursaries aim to supplement funding from student loans and part-time work.
52. Multivitamins aim to supplement the nutrients we don't get enough of in our regular diets.
53. The professor posted additional reading materials, supplementing the assigned textbook chapters.
54. Subtitles supplement films by translating dialogue for those who need them.
55. Grants aim to supplement organizations' budgets and allow them to pursue new initiatives.
56. The additional worksheets aimed to supplement and reinforce what we learned in class.
57. Athletes often take protein supplements to supplement the protein in their regular diet.
58. The teacher provided additional practice questions, supplementing the assigned homework problems.
59. The lecture slides acted as a supplement to the assigned reading, highlighting key points.
60. Government subsidies aim to supplement incomes and reduce costs for those in need.

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