Surplus example sentences

Related (10): Extra, Excess, Residue, Leftover, Overabundance, Superfluity, Surfeit, Remaining, Spare, Redundancy.

"Surplus" Example Sentences

1. The company had a surplus of inventory after the holiday season.
2. After downsizing, the company had a large surplus of office supplies.
3. The army had a huge surplus of ammunition and armor.
4. There is a surplus of fresh produce from the farmers' market.
5. The store has a surplus of winter clothing that did not sell.
6. The budget surplus allowed the government to reduce taxes.
7. The budget surplus enabled the government to invest in infrastructure projects.
8. The emergency fund acts as a surplus to cover any unforeseen expenses.
9. The warehouse held a large surplus of industrial equipment.
10. The farmer had a huge surplus of crops after the harvest.
11. There is a surplus of bananas so I made banana bread.
12. We donated our surplus food to the local food bank.
13. The store aims to have just enough stock, not a huge surplus.
14. The large budget surplus allowed for significant tax refunds.
15. The government struggles to find ways to spend budget surpluses.
16. The military retains a large surplus of weapons and equipment.
17. The budget surplus enabled the government to lower the national debt.
18. They accumulated a surplus of income over the past few years.
19. The harvest yielded a surplus of apples that we turned into cider.
20. The government created a program to buy and destroy farm surpluses.
21. The store reduced prices to sell off their surplus inventory.
22. The budget surplus enabled the president to fund new programs.
23. They gained a large surplus by overproducing their product.
24. They had a surplus of lumber that they sold at a discounted price.
25. The government accumulated massive surpluses during times of low spending.
26. The factory had a huge surplus of parts left over from production.
27. The surplus of skilled workers led to lower wages in the industry.
28. There is a surplus of cash in my savings account right now.
29. The farmers organized to demand higher prices for their crop surpluses.
30. The huge budget surplus allowed them to fund new social programs.
31. There was a surplus of cheap labor in the area at the time.
32. The government passed legislation to buy farm surpluses at guaranteed prices.
33. The government gave tax refunds to spend down the large budget surplus.
34. The food shortage exposed the folly of destroying crop surpluses.
35. They decided to invest their income surplus in the stock market.
36. The company took a loss selling off their surplus inventory.
37. The farmer stored his crop surplus in the barn until market prices rose.
38. The store donated their clothing surplus to a local charity.
39. The budget surplus afforded the senators new opportunities for pork barrel spending.
40. Their budget surplus was larger than expected.
41. The college accumulated large endowment surpluses over the years.
42. The food bank distributed the surplus produce to those in need.
43. The factory maintained a large inventory surplus to meet spikes in demand.
44. The federal government held massive wheat surpluses during the Great Depression.
45. The semiconductor manufacturer had a huge surplus of computer chips.
46. The charity distributed the clothing surplus to underserved communities.
47. Many were unemployed due to the surplus of skilled labor.
48. The factory had to dump their surplus product at a discount.
49. The government often destroys crop surpluses to stabilize prices.
50. The former employee stole computers from the IT surplus room.
51. Their endowment surplus grew significantly year after year.
52. The ranchers protested the government's destruction of beef surpluses.
53. China accumulated massive currency surpluses from trade with the West.
54. The grocery store donated their fruit surplus to a nearby homeless shelter.
55. Their steel surplus grew as demand fell during the recession.
56. The store marked down their surplus inventory by 50%.
57. The auto manufacturer had a massive surplus of unsold vehicles.
58. They invested their budget surplus in infrastructure and education.
59. The budget surplus allowed the governor to fund new social programs.
60. Their income surplus this year allowed them to take a family vacation.

Common Phases

1. There is a large surplus of unsold widgets this year.
2. The government was dealing with a budget surplus.
3. The United States had a trade surplus with China last year.
4. The company has a surplus of employees and may need to lay some people off.
5. The crops yielded a huge surplus this harvest season.
6. The audit revealed a $2 million dollar surplus in the accounts.
7. We have a surplus of volunteers for the fundraiser.
8. Governments often recommend investing surplus funds.
9. The city maintained a budget surplus for several years in a row during the economic boom.
10. The organization donated its food surplus to local homeless shelters.
11. Retailers often end up with a seasonal surplus of inventory.
12. The company built up a reserves surplus over the years.
13. Many surplus items were sold off at the military auction.
14. Crop failures in other areas led to high prices for our harvest surplus.
15. The state hoped to maintain a modest budget surplus each fiscal year.
16. They distributed the surplus food to needy families in the community.
17. The business had a cash surplus at the end of the fiscal year.
18. The warehouse was filled with surplus electronics parts and equipment.
19. Workers were temporarily laid off due to a products surplus.
20. The state governments had built up sizable budget surpluses.
21. Farmers dealt with wheat surplus through crop subsidies.
22 The company struggled with excess inventory surplus.
23. The country invested its oil revenue surplus into infrastructure projects.
24. The warehouse was full of military surplus items.
25. Government officials debated how best to spend the tax revenue surplus.
26. Retailers often mark down surplus inventory at the end of the season.
27. Sales were unexpectedly high, resulting in inventory surplus.
28. The country maintained a sizable foreign exchange surplus.
29. Companies either hold cash surplus in reserves or return it to shareholders.
30. Sales have dropped, leaving a product surplus.
31. We may have a labor surplus if business slows further.
32. A harvest surplus allowed farmers to sell their excess crops.
33. Corporations often reward shareholders with dividends from annual profits surplus.
34. The company donated its computer surplus to local schools and nonprofits.
35. Importing nations typically impose tariffs on agricultural product surpluses.
36. There was a housing surplus after the economic crisis.
37. The commission voted to invest the city's budget surplus conservatively.
38. The nation's agricultural product surplus caused prices to plummet.
39. Employees went on leave due to production surplus.
40. The company had accumulated a sizable cash surplus over several decades.
41. Demand unexpectedly dropped, leaving producers with an inventory surplus.
42. Workers were temporarily laid off due to factory equipment surplus.
43. The organization redistributed its supply surplus to underserved communities.
44. The company planned to reward shareholders with a stock buyback from annual profit surplus.
45. Housing prices dropped due to a unit surplus on the market.
46. Farmers were struggling with a grain surplus and wanted government assistance.
47. The company allocates surplus funds to research and development each year.
48. Manufacturers often generate component part surplus during product transitions.
49. Producers dealt with the housing surplus by lowering sale prices and offering incentives.
50. Farmers were left with a fruit surplus after a poor harvest elsewhere.
51. The nonprofit redistributed its surplus food to local charities that feed the hungry.
52. Exporting nations like having an agricultural product surplus.
53. Government policies were needed to deal with the manufactured good surplus.
54. An economic boom created a labor surplus in many industries.
55. Retirees often live off investment returns from company cash surplus.
56. Foreign automakers filled the vehicle surplus in the U.S. market.
57. The company maintained a cash surplus for potential downturns and acquisitions.
58. The country enjoyed a large oil export surplus for many years.
59. Heavy rains this year produced a vegetable surplus for farmers.
60. The company intended to return a portion of its annual profit surplus to shareholders.

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